The Prime Hostage

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Before me and my men raid the clocktower, I needed to lay down the law with them. "I don't wanna see a scratch on her! Your guns will be lowered unless I say otherwise! Understood?" I ordered, and they all agreed. Even though I now have nothing but unconditional hate for Bruce, I had nothing but love for Barbra. Like Dick, she was like an older sibling to me. Always listening when I needed someone to talk too. I just hope she understands why I have to do this.

"Batman! The Milta are headed there way here! Arkham Knight knows who I am!" Barbra said into their communicator, but I got one my men to disturb their communication until she is captured. We made it to the clocktower, and turns out Barbra was trying to roll away in her wheelchair as quick as possible. I got out the car, and put my hand out so my men wouldn't act. I had this under control myself. I walked up and grabbed the wheelchair so it wouldnt move anymore. She things swings at me, like I anticipated, and I blocked it "How'd I know you was gonna do that Oracle?" I poked fun at her, and ejected her with a needle that had a drug that put her straight to sleep. Don't worry Barbra, you're gonna have a front row seat of Gotham's destruction!"

She then awoke. I stood against the door so no one could force their way in. I wanted time between me and her. "You bastard! Why are you doing this?" she asked, almost demanding an answer out of me "Revenge." I answered, and she seemed confused of what I meant. "Tell me Barbra. When the person you consider a father leaves you to be beaten to death by a physcopath, how would you feel?" I started, and it looked like she started to catch on "What are you talking about?" she asked, and I unlocked my helmet so she could see my face "Jason!" she exclaimed, shocked at the very sight of me. "Jason why?! Why are you doing this to me? To Gotham? To Bruce?!" she asked, feeling so conflicted with emotions by seeing me in this suit. "Bruce betrayed me! He put me in Arkham to rot there!" I explained, getting furious for her even asking a question like that "You're sick Jason! He just didn't want you winding up dead! You're actions have been so out of character for you! What did you expect him to do?!" she asked, wanting me to see the "errors" of my way. I'm not the one who's just putting criminals away so they can just escape! I kill them! Put a bullet right between their eyes so they don't cause any harm to anyone ever again! "I expect him to take responsibility for his rn actions! Joker beats me to death and he just puts him in jail like thats gonna fucking help! He should of put a batterang right into his skull!" I exclaimed, and then went to turn the monitor on. Batman is on the screen looking into a empty cell "What is this?" Barbra asked, and I started to smile maliciously "This is Batman suffering. Right now, he has enough fear gas in him for him to start seeing things he never wants to happen. Right now, he seeing you die before his very eyes." I explained, snixkrrijg very sadistically, while Barbra looked defeated. She then looked at me with disgust "You're gonna pay for all this Jason!" Barbra shouted at me with all her fury and rage, and I just laughed and said "No. You, Batman and the entire Gotham population are gonna pay for putting your true hero in prison." I exclaimed, and punched her in the face hard enough to knock her unconscious again. And now, time for phase 2!

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