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I awoke in a cell in the bat cave batcave. He looked at my body to see my suit had been removed and that my hands together by high-tech cuffs. I tried to pull them away, but the magnetic pull is too strong. How great. Held prisoner in the place I grew up. How fucking ironic! I then saw someone coming toward me with something in his hands. As they came to the cell, I saw that it is Alfred with food. I looked at him angrily and began eating "Master Todd, a word with you please." Alfred insisted and pulled a chair to sit down "I have nothing to say to any of you." I told him before he even started "Quite fine sir, but I have something to say to you." Alfred said, and started pouring himself some tea. "I understand your frustration with the way Master Bruce carries himself on the field, but you must realize where he is coning from. If Master Bruce went around brutally murdering anyone who does wrong, then what would become of the city. The answer, a cold and fearful place then it already is Master Todd. Just something you should think about, good day." he said, and got up and walked up to the manor. A cold and fearful place may seem terrible, but it may be the only way to keep peace. So to me, my way is still better than Bruce's.

I fell asleep for a few hours, and woke up to see Damien watching me. "Take a picture kid it will last longer." I exclaimed and turned away from him to sleep more "My father spoke high of you, I don't see why." Damien said, and I turned around "Excuse me?" I asked "Father said you are some strong and determined kid. So far, all I see is a pathetic excuse of his 'skillful' work." Damien explained, and I lunged at the bars with vicious intentions "You talk tough shit while I'm in this cage huh!?" I shouted in anger, but the kid just smiled "Joker broke you, and its sad you let it happen. But, what do I expect from a failed Robin." he uttered, and walked away. Failed Robin am I? I didn't fail I just made a mistake that night! And Joker did not break me. This is who I am, and they are just going to have to deal with it!

Hours passed, and I felt like going crazy in this damn cell. I then saw Dick walk in with a soda and some chips. We looked at each other, and he came over here and sat down "Having fun bro?" he asked, being pretty much what his name is "You just came to gloat at me." I asked very aggressive like, and he put his soda and looked at me "I actually came to lecture you." he revealed and I rolled my eyes and sat back against the bars. "You've been given another chance at life and your wasting it. At the rate you're going right now, you're gonna end up dead again." he started, a serious tone ringiing in his voice. I then turned to him, showing that I'm paying attention "We were so broken when we found out what happened to you. I gave up everything j was focused on to find that clown and get revenge for you, and the fact that I couldn't find him tore me apart. Because I felt I let you down, I should of been there to tell you not to go like a brother would do." he exclaimed, wiping some tears from his eyes "Just think about what you wanna do in life man. I don't want to see you dead because of another mistake." he finished, sns walked away.

I've never seen him so emotional. It's...sad. Even though my motives seem uncaring, I still care for them all. I just believe in something different then them all. Maybe, for them I should try to return to who I once was. Maybe then, will we be a family again.

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