The Killing Joke

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I went back to the hotel, my temporary safe zone. Killing Dent was only the first thing on my to do list, but now my plans have changed. Come morning, I have to leave Blood Haven and head to Gotham. After tonight, Nightwing is going to be looking for me everywhere. Also, I need a suit. There is no way I'm going to the most crime rate city in America with a hoodie on. I need armor, good one at that. But screw it, I'll worry about that in the morning. Time to kick back and watch some TV!

"Breaking news! In our sister city Gotham, Police Commissioner Jim Gordon daughter, Barbra, was found in her apartment shot through the stomach. We don't know her condition right now, but this doesn't look good for the young adult. Also, at the scene of the crime there was a "Joker card" lying near her nude body. We can only assume that it is the Clown Prince, The Joker, who shot Miss Gordon. More on this news later tonight, Gotham News."

I didn't believe it when I heard. Not only was Barbra, the sister I never had, was shot. But...Joker! Still alive! Did Batman care too much about his stupid fucking rule enough not to seek revenge over that murderer! He killed me! I was like a son to him! I through the remote at the TV, shattering the screen and the remote. Fuck this sitting around! Fuck taking out petty criminals like Dent! New mission, Kill Joker!

Hours later, I made it to Gotham, specifically outside the window of Barbra's hospital room. Poor her, if Batman would of done his job and finished that clown this would of never happened! Well, don't worry Barbra, I'll handle this the right way. But there is still the question, just where am I going to get armor? I thought of anyway to get armor, and then I saw some guys going through an ally, time to follow. As I followed, there were a group of guys with black masks on them, and alot of weaponry and armor. Bingo.

I jumped down and round house kicked one guy into a wall, then shot two in the head with one bullet. I'm getting better with these. Two came at me, but I pistol whipped on and grabbed the other. I snapped his arm and threw him into the others, knocking them all out. Nice work me. I open the crate and took all the armor I could and made my escape. I broke into an art room thingy, I dont even know what it is. But, I sat my armor down and started to make some modifications to it. I added a result bat symbol on the chest plate, just in spite of Bruce. I took some spray paint and made the entire helmet red. And then I was born, Red Hood.

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