Down With Penguin

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I went back to my cave and started working on modifications for my gear and suit,when I got a call. I picked up "Who is this?" I asked, skipping over the pleasant hellos "Jason, its me." the voice said, its Bruce. "What's up?" I said while working on my gear "Gordon called. Said he found a dead corpse with batman symbol carved into his chest." he stated, and all I could do is smile at my handy work "What the hell, really!? You think some physco got a hold of the suit?" I asked, playing dumb with him "Not a chance, I'm looking at it right now. Do you have any idea who is in that suit?" Bruce asked, sounding very suspicious "Sadly no, but trust me I'll find out what I know and get back to you," I said and hung up.

I know Bruce knows it could be me, he's just trying to give me the benefit of the doubt. I also know one of these days he's going to send Dick or Tim after me to stop this rouge Batman. Well, I hope Bruce knows that I will do anything to protect MY city, even if it means I have to put a bullet in my
brother's skull.

Now I had to focus on what a important, crime. More specifically, The Penguin. He and his band of thugs have been tearing up the streets of Gotham before Bruce even started Batman. being Every time Bruce took him to jail, he would either bail himself out or somehow his thugs would come up with the money to get him out. Well, this time he's not going to jail. He's going straight to hell!

I suited and went to his hidden location across town. There were grates outside that leaded inside, so I went into them a crept under them all. "Alright boys, where's me money!?" Penguin asked his goons, stumbling around as well "Um...about $300 sir!" he said, and Penguin slammed his cane duwn furious "$300!? You idiots better get your asses out there, or so help me I'll cut your blooming family jewels off!" Penguin shouted, they all ran out if the room. I then arose from the grate and slammed Penguin on the ground "What's up Cobblepot!?" I exclaimed menacingly "What the hell!? Batman!" Penguin said, and I threw him on the wall and walked towards him in the most terrifying matter. "Alright take it easy! Just take me to the blooming jail already!" he shouted, and I pulled my pistol out on him and aimed it right at his head. He froze, skin going pale, and eyes wide "What the hell is this....!?" Penguin uttered quietly, afraid for his life like he should be "There isn't going to be a jail Cobblepot! This ends, now!" I exclaimed, and he flinched "C'mon Bats! I know you don't kill anyone, so get that bloody out me face alright!" he said, not trying to look directly at me and the gun. I then smiled, and said "Not anymore." and shot him right in the head.

I heard something metallic drop behind me then. I turned around to see Red Robin looking stunned, with his staff on the ground. "Tim." I said and turned towards him with my gun down. He then picked up his staff and got into his fighting stance "Who are you!? And how do you know me?!" he asked, and I took off my mask so he could see my face. The shock returned to his face "Jason..." he murmured quietly "What are you doing? Why are you going around being a murdering Batman?" he asked, and I started walking towards him "Tim, Bruce doesn't know what's best for Gotham anymore. To be honest, he never did. He believes putting bad guys in jails is being a hero, which is why he's cripples now." I started and put my hand on Tim's shoulder "Join me, and together we can rid this city of all its crime and make it a better place. What do you say, be my Robin." I offered, and he thought for a moment. "Jason, I can't. There's no way I could betray Bruce like that." he answered "I see." I said, and took a knife out and stabbed him in the stomach. He fell to the ground and started bleeding out "Sad Tim, your loyality to that cripple got you killed." I exclaimed, and walked away.

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