The Cloudburst

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Now, Batman believes that at Ace Chemicals he had taken out the cloudburst. Not only did he get unbelievable amount of fear toxin in him, but he didn't actually take out the cloudburst. He took out a low concentrated amount of toxin just to poison Batman. The real cloudburst is built into my personal high leveled tank, and it's time to see what kind of destruction it can do!

"Cape Crusador. You shall realize that your efforts to take us out is futile. Like we will show you now." Scarecrow announced to Batman and anyone that happened to hear. That was my sign to go. I got into my high powered tank and rolled around for a few. Trying to wait til my men were underground or above the blast zone. After a few minutes, I clicked the button, and I massive explosion happened. I had to hold on inside my tank so I wouldn't get whiplashed. After regaining my composure, I looked out the window and saw the area filled with toxin. Random street thugs were going crazy outside, trying to kill each other. "This is Arkham Knight. Does anyone hear me out there?" I asked, trying to see how many of my Sargents were alive with their team. "We are here sir." one of my men answered "Raise the bridge on this island when I say." I said, then I hacked into Batman's communicators "You see this Batman. This is what happens when you try to be the hero you're not! Now, face me false hero! You know where I am, and I'll be waiting!" I exclaimed, ready to finally take down Batman for good!

"Sir, Batman is spotted on the island, he's here." my Sargent told me, and I just smiled that he's finally here to die! "So, you actually decided to show your face." I exclaimed into the commicator "Whatever your reason is for doing this. You're so called "history" with me. It is not worth the torture you and Scarecrow are putting them in!" Batman said, trying to make me see the error of the way, but fuck that shit! "I do have history with you. You betrayed me! And now, Gotham's gonna die because of your mistake!" I exclaimed, and targeted him with my laser beam, and the first shot was fired. The fight then commenced.

For more than a half an hour, I was fighting a losing battle. As bad as it is hard to admit, but Batman out matched me in any way possible. With the last shot in the tanks weak spot, Batman defeated me, and I was pissed. He jumped on the broken tank, and ripped me right out the tank onto the ground "This ends now Arkham Knight!" he said, thinking he defeated me. But I could see in his eye that's he's getting weaker from all this poison in him. I laughed "It's not over Batman. It'll only end if you break your one rule, but we all know for a guy who witnessed his parents death in front of him that killing me won't happen." I explained, trying to get under skin more by hinting at his identity. Knowing that I know who he is, he lunged at me, but I threw a smoke pellet down and disappeared. You win this round Dark Knight, but the war has yet to be over. Gotham with still fall, and from the ashes I will find your dead body to admire what I have done. Slain The Bat!

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