The Death of Robin

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I suited up and made my way to the warehouse. It may look like a bad idea on paper, but this may be my only chance to have a real relationship with my real parent. I need to take this chance, and even if its a trick I can handle a bunch of bad guys. Bold words, but I feel like nothing can go wrong.

I walked into the warehouse and I saw no one in sight "Hello? Anyone there?" I asked as I was walking further in it, All of a sudden, I was hit over the head from what felt like a pipe, and started to faint. The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness, was his evil, sadistic face grinning at me. It was the Joker

I woke up tied in a chair in a dark room. The lights came on, and I saw the Clown Prince of Crime walking towards me with a crowbar. "Well well, look what the cat dragged in." he said with that stupid grin on his face "You're gonna regret this Joker, once I get free-" before I could finish he whacked me over the head with the crowbar, dazing me for a while. "Ohhh that's where your wrong Bird Brat. You're not making it out alive!" he said methodically, and proceeded to beat the hell out of me. I've never been in so much pain and abuse in my entirely life. I felt helpless, and wanted to cry out to Batman to save me again. But I knew, he wasn't coming.
After about an hour of beating me, he stopped. I was a bloody mess who could barely breath, hell I barely knew where I was anymore. "Well, that's enough fun for tonight don't ya say boy?" he said while throwing his crowbar down and walked away "Fuck you!" I screamed as a one last defiant move "Oh! Defiance! I love that about a deadman!" he said skipping to something under a cover. What the hell was that? He took the cover off, to reveal the ticking explosive. "You like it? It's my new fancy clock. And it looks like you got under 3 minutes to live!" Joker said laughing like an insane person, which he very mush is "So I'm gonna leave you here Bird Brat. Don't wait up!" he uttered and walked out if the warehouse.

I struggled to get free, watching the clock the entire time to see how much I have left. I finally got free, but when I tried to walk I collapsed. I sustained to much pain to even move. At ten seconds, a little part of me thought Bruce was going to swoop in and dave the say again. But at 3 seconds, I realized that no one is coming to save me. Then, the explosion happened and I saw nothing but pitch black. I'm dead.

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