War in Gotham

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After taking Ivy into custody, it was like everyone forgot what I did. They all clapped for me, even Damien showed me recognition for what I did. Most of all, when I got back to the cave Batman actually smiled at me, him smiling!? It was too good. I felt at home again and I just hope it stays this way.

After weeks of fighting crime, I started getting use to the this routine again. It felt like the old days when I was Robin. But, something was off about the city. Its quiet. No crime in sight. It's usually never like this. This is either a sign for the better, or a sign for the worse yet to come. Hopefully, its for better.

Pp Training in the cave, not paying anything mind when I heard the doorbell. Why the hell is someone here passed midnight? I went upstairs and opened the door, to see a hurt Nightwing murmuring "Help....me...." and collapsed. I held my injured brother and called out to Bruce. Bruce, Alfred, and Damien came and helped him to the couch. "What happened?!" Bruce asked, very concerned while Alfred went to get the first aid kit "I don't know! He just rang the doorbell and collapsed. He must of got into a fight he couldn't win." I exclaimed "But he wouldn't of came here unless it was serious." Bruce added on while Alfred treated Dick's wounds. Dick slowly woke up and groaned in pain "What happened to you Dick?" I asked and he jumped up groaning in pain saying "TV! TV! Turn it on!" and turned the televisok on, to see Ra's All Gul.

"City of Gotham, heed my warning. Tonight, I and my League of Assassin will turn your city into ruins until I get what I want. My grandson. The one holding him knows what he must do if he wants his city to be at peace again. Until then, lock your doors, baracade your windows, shelter your children, and protect your elders. For we are coming for you."

The television went to static, and we just stares at the screen. They then heard an explosion and looked out the window to see several explosions in the city. I cracked my knuckles "Alright, let's go protect to city." I said, and they all looked at me "Sorry bro, but we can't just go into the city trying to take them all out. There are too many." Dick said limping towards me "Screw the numbers. We are the batfamily we can handle anything. So you with me or not?" I asked and the family looked at Bruce. "Dick and Jason, you two go and find Ra's while I handle all the assasins I can to keep them distracted. Damien, you stay here with Alfred and protect the house just in case Ra's comes here." Bruce planned and we all agreed. Well, time to save Gotham again.

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