The Night Begins

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To begin, Scarecrow is going to send one of my men to a restaurant. Little do they know is that my soldier has enough fear toxin with him to fill the entire restaurant. Once it happens, they'll go crazy and most likely kill each other, that'll be fun to watch. When they finish beating each other to death, Scarecrow will announce his plan to destroy Gotham, which will make them evacuate, and that's when I come in, and break the Bat. Then, bye-bye Gotham City.

An hour has passed since we sent the solider, and the planned worked better than expected. Apparently, a police officer was in the restaurant and started shooting all the people in it. Most were injured, sadly no deaths. And then, Scarecrow's announcement started. "Do you see Gotham? Do you see what just some of my toxin did to those people in that restaurant? Well, imagine my toxin in your precious air. Tonight, I will burn Gotham down, and rebuild it with the fears of you all. And Batman, you will be my first victim. I will drown you with my toxin, and show the entire world how the Dark Knight died by his very own fears."

After that chilling announcement, the civilians startge getting on any bus they could find that could lead them out of Gotham. But as they were going out, the villains came out of hiding and started taking over. GCPD officer were getting demolished by multiple street thugs. My men set up the AntiBatman Security measures around Gotham. The city was going to hell, and I love it!

"Sir! Batman is spotted in the Batmobile going to Ace Chemicals." one if my men informed me.Ace Chemicals is where Scarecrow set up his Cloudburst, and Batman is playing right in our little game. "Copy that Sargent. Ready a truck outside." I ordered him. See, Batman tonight has already contacted several people of the Batfamily. One in particular, Barbra, who now goes by the name Oracle. I also got the location of where she is. The old clocktower, apparently he set up base there with the permission of Jim. Dumb move old man. Now, since Batman is distracted at Ace, let's go pay a visit to my dear sister!

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