The Bounty

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I woke up the next day, after yesterday I really didn't feel like preparing to leave. All I wanted is to sleep as long as I needed. I then looked over to see the naked Starfire sleep in my bed. Oh yea, I slept with Starfire. Do I feel wrong for doing it on our first night meeting? No, because she came onto me. I just did what any other guy in my position would do. I just hope it doesn't go any further then this.

I sat up in the bed, also naked, and went to put my clothes on. However, I was pulled back down by Starfire "Where you goin' Jay-Jay?" she asked, and I very much hated being called that "To put my clothes on." I told her, really not trying to move because she can overpower me easily. She then kisses my cheek three times "I was wondering if we could get something to eat, ya know, just the two of us." she said, and I didn't like where this is going. I sighed, not wanting to break the news to her but I had too "Starfire, I'm not Dick. I don't want a relationship with anyone right now, or never as a matter of fact. I'm sorry I'm just not cut out for that sort of thing." I told her, and her attitude turned from joyful to sadness. "Oh, I see. My apologies." she said, and I heard a knock on the door "Must be Roy. May wanna put your clothes on." I said and got up finally. I put my pants on and looked over to see Starfire putting her suit on, looking disappointed, and making me feel more worse. I opened the door, to see my old All Caste friend, Jin. "Jin? What are you doing here?" I asked, not expecting anyone from the All Caste to ever come to civilization. "Jason! The All Castes, everyone, are dead." Jim exclaimed, quaking in his boots. I paused, not comprehending what he said. I font want to comprehend that! "What! How!? What happened!? I asked, needing an answer "A man and a woman came and asked where you were. We knew they were trouble so we didn't tell them, so they slaughtered all of us. I am the last remaining All Caste." Jin murmured, trying to hold back his tears. "We are going to the island, now!" I said, wanting to find out who did this for myself, and I WILL find out!

Roy and Starfire decided to tag along, which I don't know how much I liked this idea. I didn't need Starfire giving me an awkward cause of what happened last night and this morning. I needed to focus on what happened to the All Caste, nothing more, nothing less. "So, I'm guessing you and this group have a nice history?" Roy assumed, and I nodded "They helped me in my darkest hours. I owe my life to the All Caste." I said, with my anger building up exponentially. We landed on the island, and I saw the dead bodies of friends. Lying on the ground with a puddle of blood under them. "Good Heavens!" Starfire exclaimed when she saw the lifeless bodies "My God! What the fuck kind of monster could do all this!?" Roy asked, having trouble being around this many dead bodies. I said nothing, I know if I did I would explode. I went to look around, trying to find anything leading to their murders. "Guys! I found something!" Roy exclaimed, and I ran over there as quick as I can. I then see him holding a cube like structure "What the hell is that?" I asked, and he shrugged. All of a sudden, the cube said "Voice Confirmation Recognized. Welcome Jason Peter Todd." and then a hologram popped up from the top. The hologram, was Deathstroke.

"Hello Jason. I know last time we wasn't properly introduced. My name is Slade Wilson, but you can call MD Deathstroke. Since you are getting this message I am sure that you have seen me and my apprentice handy work. Its sad, if only you would of stayed still these innocent people didn't have to die. How's it feel Jason? How's it feel that you just got an entire civilization killed just for knowing you? See, there's a ten million dollar bounty on your head at the moment, and I will not hesitate to slaughter anyone in my way to get that money. So tread lightly Red Hood, becauss I'm coming for you." and the message ended.

The amount of sadness in my heart could not be described. These people didn't deserve this fate, and it's all my fault that this catastrophe happened to them. But, mark my words he will pay for this. "Jason..." Starfire started and put her hand on my shoulder "I am going to kill Slade. I'm going to kill his little apprentice. I will kill anyone that gets in my way!" I exclaimed, letting my anger take control of me once again. "We are with you Jason. Whatever it takes." Roy exclaimed, and Starfire nodded with agreement. "I warn you. I'm not going in as a hero trying to lock him up. I'm coming for blood!" I told them, making sure they knew what they are getting themselves into. "We are ready for anything Jason." Starfire stated, and I nodded. "Then, its settled." I said, and started to wall back to the plane. "So, we're like outlaws now?" Roy asked, always trying to make light of a situation, but it did give me an idea. "We're Red Hood and The Outlaws."

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