Becoming Outlaws

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I made my way to where Cinderblock was destroying. I really didn't have a plan, I just had my duel pistols and a lot of grenades. Hope it works. I got there and saw Cinderblock throwing cars around and scaring the public away. I then looked to my left and saw an empty car, and got an idea. I got in, and started driving it right towards Cinderblock. I then bailed out and let the car crash and explode on his foot. It worked, and he roared with agony "Hey big ugly! Down here!" I shouted, trying to get his attention. He looked down, and I started unloading shots into his face. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to phase, but it did piss him off. His giant hand went up in the air, and it was quickly coming down above me. I jumped out of the way, but the impact of the slammed shot me into a car rough. I grunted in pain, and heard the beast roar with all his might. I need to get higher and throw my grenades at me. So, I grappled onto a rough and started sprinting from roof to roof throwing grenades at him. They all exploded, and it formed a smoke cloud around him. I stopped, trying to analyze if it did anything or what. All of a sudden, I was grabbed and threw into another car. I didn't move, the pain was too much. I then saw his hand go up again, and I thought I was going to die again, until something hit Cinderblock chest, and exploded. Very confused, so I look where the shot came from to see a man in red with a bow and arrow. Its Roy.

I got up in pain and walked towards him, to be honest I couldn't be more glad that he's here. "You didn't think you can have all the fun without me now did ya?" he exclaimed, trying to make light of the situation "This is the least fun I has since I've been back man." I said, really not enjoying being thrown around by this big asshole. "So, what's the plan?" Roy asked and loaded his explosive arrow "Explosive stun him, but we need more fire power to take him out." I told him, and speak of the devil. Purple rays came down from the sky and hit Cinderblock. "What the hell was that!?" I shouted, and saw something the sky. For a moment, I thought it was Superman, but then I saw a female with red hair and glowing green eyes. Also, she is wearing a very revealing purple outfit. "That's Starfire." Roy told me, and I remember hearing about Starfire from Dick. They use to go out, but something happened and they split off. But I don't care, as long as she's here to help I'm fine with it.

Well all then went in. I kept throwing grenades at him, making him stumble back a little. Roy shot three arrows explosive arrows at the time at him, making him stumble even more back. And then Starfire flew into his face and punched him multiple times. Her punches were stronger than anything me and Roy had. And with one final blow, Cinderblock fell. He was defeated.

Starfire then landed in front of me and Roy "Sorry, you boys looked as if you needed my assistance." Starfire said, and Roy just smiled "Nice seeing you too Star." he exclaimed, and they both hugged. Well, this has now become awkward. Starfire then looked over at me, seeming confused "I do not know your name red one." Starfire said, and I answered "Jason Todd." and she jumped at my answer. "Jason Todd? You mean Dick's younger brother?" she said, and its a pity how I'm not in Robin anymore and I'm still just "Dick's little brother". Roy nodded, and she went over and gave me a hug, which shocked me. "Nice to have met you Jason!" she said, seeming very happy to meet me for the first time. I then heard claps, and looked around to see civilians clapping for us defeating Cinderblock. I've never had people clap for me since the last time me and Robin went on our last mission together. It felt...good. I felt proud that I finally help people and didn't get persecuted for it. We all waved to them, and Starfire grabbed both of us and flew off. I never thought I would be saying this, but I may get along with these guys.

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