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We arrived at the Caribbean. We looked from a fair distance at where Rose is expected to be. Its a party for sure, but there's multiple guards around who could probably spot be by my face. "Alright, here's the plan. Star, you distract those two guards at the gates. We're gonna take them out and dress as the guards. We then go and find Rose, scan our options, and contact you when we spring into action." I explained to them, and they agreed. Time to begin.

Me and Roy were waiting at the same distant while Starfire started sexually walking towards the guard. "Hmph. I'd tap that." Roy commented when he saw Starfire gorgeous figure, and I looked at him like he should just shut up, and he did. She seduced the guards, and gave us a signal to come down "Now!" I exclaimed and grappled hook both of us over there. I pounced on the guard and broke his neck, while Arsenal pounced and stomped on the other ones head, not killing him sadly. We took their clothes off and put them on us. "Now, phase two."

We walked around in the guard disguise, carrying an automatic to look more menacing. We looked around, trying to scope out Rose's location, and we found her near the very large building surrounded by I'm assuming her personal guard. "Up there." I told Roy, trying not to point so I wouldn't give myself away. "Let's finish this bitch then!" Roy exclaimed, and we marched ourselves up there to finally get my revenge.

We got up there, Rose right in front of us but we were stopped by her guards. "Stop! Why did you leave your post!" the guard questioned us, and we looked at each other for an answer. I had go think of an excuse, and fast. "Miss Wilson, we have important from your father regarding Red Hood." I lied, hoping it would catch her attention, and it worked. "At ease soldier. You two, come with me." Rose exclaimed, and her personal guards got out of our way so we could follow Rose. We followed her to a secret room "Tell me, why would my father tell you and not me." she asked, I guess she's starting to catch on, shit! "Because..." I started, but no words came to me. I had no excuse, so its time for plan B. "!" I shouted, and we aimed our automatic towards her and started shooting. The recoil was bad though, so she knew it. She quickly turned around and jumped out of the window. "Starfire! Now!" I said into our personal communicator, and me and Roy ran over to see where she is. She is still in the air, trying to land in the pool, but Starfire grabbed her in air and they both crashed into another building. I then took my guard disguise off and loaded the automatic while Roy through the gun down and took out his bow and stashed arrows "Ready?" I asked "Let's do this!" he exclaimed, and we started heading over there, ready for a fight!

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