Common Goals

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I then awoke in a bed, where the hell am I? The place looked very familiar, buy I'm not sure. I tries getting up, but it hurt to move. My ribs are busted, and my arm is broken. Son of a bitch, Dick really did a number on me. Someone then walked in, and I quickly realized where I am. Ra's Al Gul's lair.

"Welcome back to the land of the living young Jason." Ra's said, and walked towards my bed. "What the hell am I doing here Ra's!?" I asked aggressively, and he just snickered "You should be thanking me that I pulled you out of the water in time." he said "I would if I didn't know any better. What's your game Ra's? You need me for something?" I asked, knowing there had to be a reason for his motives. "Smart boy. I require something that was stolen from me, and along with requiring this you can get your revenge with Batman." he explained, and he finally caught my attention. "What do you need?" I asked him, actually paying attention "Bruce took my grandson away from me and turned him into something he's not. I trained him to be an assasin. A cold blooded killer who would some day lead the League of Assassins if I ever decide to leave. His name is Damien Wayne." he explained, and I was shocked. I never knew that kid is Ra's grandson, and I never knew he is Bruce's biological son! "I know how that feels, but what do you want me to do? Just take the kid by myself?" I said, knowing that it would lead to me getting hurt worse than I am now. "I will make a deal, because I see through the years you have lost your strength and rage that fueled you as well. So, I will give you my League of Assassins and another dip in the Lazurus Pit if you get my grandson back." he offered, and knowing that I could control an army again, plus becoming stronger pleased me. "I'm in."

Hours later, Talia came in "My father is ready." she announced, so I got up slowly and started to walk out with her. "So, you and the old man hit it off I see." I said, hinting at her and Bruce "I love that man, but I do not agree with his actions." she stated, and I smiled "Join the club" I exclaimed and we walked to the room of the Lazurus Pit. I walked, but Talia stopped me and said "Know that another bath in the pit could send you out of control. You nay become an entirely different person. Much more fierce, strong, and psychotic. Are you sure you want to do this?" I just laughed "I can't wait." I uttered and walked on the edge."Are you ready Jason?" Ra's asked while being surrounded by his assassins. Not answering, I just jumped in the pool. I immediately felt the harsh changes to pit made, and quickly came up and screamed in agony. All eyes were on me, and I stopped screaming and smiled sadistically "Let's go murder a batfamily!"

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