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To my surprise, I awoke in a bed. By the the look of the sun outside, it was about 6am. I looked over to my right to see Barbra sleeping in her wheel chair. I tried to see it, but pain shot from my chest and I groaned which woke Barbra up. "Jason! Glad to have you back!" she exclaimed and leaned over to hugged me "What happened? How am I alive?" I asked, so confused on how I survived "Bruce didn't give up. We thought you were dead but he didn't. He rushed you back here and him and Alfred start doing whatever they could to save your life." Barbra explained, and I smiled. It shows how much Bruce really cares about me. "How is Tim?" I asked, concerned about him "He's fine, if he was here he would thank you a hundred times over for what you did. Very brave little bro." Barbra said and I smiled and snickered a little "I finally saved the city." I uttered to myself, but Barbra heard it and smiled "How's it feel to be a hero again?" she asked, and I just looked at her and didn't answer. My smile was my answer.

After talking for a few minutes, Dick came into the room "What's up brother?" he exclaimed, happy to see me awake "Nothin'. Hey bro, where's Bruce?" I asked "You know where." Dick said, and I nodded. Most likely at this time, he's staring out of his large window in the living room, looking over Gotham. I then sat up slowly in my bed and said "Guys, I'm going to miss you both so much." They looked at each other, very confused at what I meant. Dick then laughed awkwardly "Get some sleep bro." he said and him and Barbra left my room. Unaware of what I'm planning to do this morning.

I got dress and left my room to go to Bruce. He is sitting in the living drinking tea "Surprise you're not looking out the window." I said, holding my chest and limping towards him "I was, but I got tired." he exclaimed, and I laughed. I sat across from him "Thank you for saving my life Bruce." I said, showing I appreciated what he did for me "I wasn't going to let you die on my watch again." he stated, and I smiled again. "You know Bruce, you brought me into this hero business early. You thought I was ready, Dick did, and I did as well. I now realize that I wasn't ready, and I'm still not ready." I said, and he put his tea down so he could focus on me "What are you saying?" he asked, not understanding what in trying to convey to him "I'm saying I think it'd be better if I had a quiet life then the life of a hero." I finally just said "I'm not ready, I never was. And if I continue on this path I'm going to mess up again, and most likely get someone killed or myself killed." I explained to Bruce, and he nodded at everything I said. "Jason, I took you in to raise a kid from nothing to be something. I took you in to hush the demons you had to deal with your life, but it seems I made it worse. You're right, you wasn't ready but I thought you were. I should of waited a few years, making you perfect your craft so when you did become a Robin, nothing horrifying would happen." he explained to me. We stopped for a moment to regain our composure "What I'm going to do is go to the island of the All Caste. Try to see if I can help in anyway possible, and make a life there as well." I mapped out for Bruce, and he nodded. I got up and looked at Bruce "Thank you for everything you done in my life Bruce. Usually when people see a kid stealing their tires you call the police, but you took me in like I was a son to you, and I will always be grateful for that." I said, tears dripping down my face. Bruce got up and then hugged me tight "Good luck son." he said, and I hugged back "Thanks dad." I replied.

We stopped hugging, and I finally walked out of the manor. As I got to the gate, I looked back at the house. Knowing I would probably never see this place again, I took my time gazing at it. Remembering all the good and bad things that made me who I am right now. After that, I walked away. Never to be seen again.

~The Hood~
Hey everyone! I just want to say thank you for all the support you have given me while writing this book. I honestly didn't believe anyone would enjoy this, but I was wrong. I cannot be more proud of how this turned out. I hope each and every one of you stick with me as I continue my writing. I hope you tell people about my work so they can enjoy this book and more in the future. Thank you for everything, and I'll see you in the next book. See ya!

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