The Return to Blüdhaven

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I landed back in the U.S. and got a hotel to plan our next move. I knew I wasn't just gonna find Deathstroke and kill him. He's a clever bastard who knows what he's doing. And whoever this "apprentice" is as similar training as him. Roy, who nows by the superhero name Arsenal, and Starfire went into one room to talk about our next move. "So, where would a super soldier mercenary be?" Arsenal asked and we just sat there and started thinking. "I'm sorry, but there is no way we will figure out Slade's location without more assistance." Starfire said, she was right. We need some outside help, but who? "Maybe Batman-" "We are not going to Batman for help." I exclaimed, not even letting him finish that sentence. "Well, who else knows Slade better than him?" Arsenal asked again, and Starfire popped her head up and said "The Titans!" Me and Roy looked at her with confusion written on our faces "The Teen Titans have been dispanded for years now Star." Roy told her, thinking that she may have forgotten "But from the Teen Titans, who was the one person obsessed with defeating Slade?" Starfire asked him, and his head popped up top "Nightwing!" he said, and Starfire nodded with agreement while I sat that unsure. Last time I saw Dick, I shot at him and killed Dent in front of him. Plus, I guarantee he knows about everything that happened three years ago. So, this should be a fun reunion.

We made it Blüdhaven, which i didn't like because they still had wanted poster up for "Red Hood". "I should speak to Nightwing." Starfire stated, and I quickly had to disagree with that "Better to let me handle this." I said, and she turned at me unhappy "Jason, he knows me better I'm afraid. It would be much more quick if I am the one who does it." she said, trying to argue her case but it just helped mine "Exactly, you know him better. I don't want your past relationships getting in the way of the mission." I said, and she didn't argue because she knew I had a point. Although, I don't believe me talking to him is going to be any better. But, I trust myself more then I trust Star.

Apparently, Dick is living in Blüdhaven highest rated hotel, must be getting paid by Bruce. I knocked on the door, and he opened. Long black hair, very tall, muscular, and not happy to see me. We stared at each other for a moment, and then he spoke "Look what the bat dragged in." he said, making puns like always "Nice to see you too brother." I said, and walked into his room. Pretty big, with other rooms in it. "Why are you here?" Dick asked, wanting me to get straight to the point "I need your help Dick." I said, and he gave me a look of disgust "The great Red Hood needs my help? Shocking!" he said, trying to be an annoying smart ass. My anger started to build, and my patients was wearing thin. I want answers now! "Listen Dick, good people died because of me! So stop with the damn jokes and get serious!" I yelled at Jim, and his face went from silly to serious. I think it worked. "What do you need?" he asked, no smile and no cocky attitude. "I need to know where Deathstroke is." I said, and he looked puzzled to hear that name again "Slade? I didn't even know he resurfaced." Dick exclaimed, pretty much meaning he didn't know shit. "What about an apprentice? You know anyone who could possibly be an apprentice to him?" I asked, just trying to get one lead from him. He then sighed, and went over to his light switch. He held it for a moment, and switched it on, and an high tech computer came up from the floor along. Nice to see what Wayne Tech does for a person. "I kept secret tabs on Slade's children, just in case he went rogue and I needed to find him." he started, and I walked up to him to see what's hes doing on the computer. Then, a sort of attractive girl, with snow white hair, with a muscular build on the screen "Rose Wilson, better known as Ravager. She disappeared a year ago and hasn't been seen since. Sources tell me that she's getting trained by Slade and is now his apprentice. Last location, the Caribbeans." Dick explained to me, and I'm glad because its the best lead I've got all day. "Got it! Thanks Dick." I said, and started to storm out, but I was stopped by Dick "Be careful brother." he uttered, showing he still cared for me, and it actually made me smile "Likewise brother." I said, and left to go after Rose Wilson.

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