Batman vs. Batman

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Tim is a fool. He would rather be loyal to Bruce then do the right thing. Why can't they realize that what I'm doing is right!? Since I've taken the mantle I've gotten a major crime lord off the street. Is that not called being a hero?! Forget it, I don't have time to worry about Bruce and his family of fakes, I actually have a city to protect.

I grappled around the city trying to find any criminal activity, when I was tackled out of the air and was thrown on a car hard. I rolled off grunting, and got up to see a figure right across from me. The figure walked up, and it happen to be...Batman!? What the fuck!? That can't be Bruce, can it? "I know its you in there Jason." the mysterious Batman, but I then recognized him by his voice "Dick." I said, and he smiled. "So, you grew some balls and took the cowl? Well, sorry brother but there is already a new Batman." I stated aggressively "Stand down Jason. We may be brothers but I am not afriad to take you down. No matter what or who you are I will protect this city." Dick explained, and I took a moment to think. "You're right..." I started, and looked up at him "...I will do whatever it takes to protect this city." I exclaimed, and began to shoot a him. The fight begins.

I kept shooting at him while he ran and dodged all my shots. He then threw batterang and they got stuck in my guns and they blew up. Being stunned, Dick jumped up and started unloading punches on me. We punched me hard, and kicked me into a wall hard as well. As he ran at me, I threw a smoke pellet down smd grappled away. I grappled from bilding to building, trying to get my distant from Dick. He just caught me off guard that's all! Trust me, it won't happen again.

I turned around to see him running on the building after me. Alright Grayson, I'll bring the fight to you now! As he jumped the building, I ran and tacklled him in the air and we went threw a window of a business building. I rolled and took out my knife and cut Dick on his side and cheek. He then kicked the knife out my hand and gave two shots to my face, bloodying my nose. I then kicked him in the stomach, grabbed him, and threw him into a desk. I took out a handgun and started shooting at him, but he flipped the desk over and kicked it towards me. Luckily I dodged it, and it went out the broken window. However, Dick tackled me out of the building, and we landed on a railroad track. This isn't over yet.

My ribs felt broken, and I felt exhausted. I got up, and so did Dick. I shot at him again, but he dodged them all and punched me in the face multiple times. My nose couldn't be any more broken right now, and my lip his busted to all hell. I then back handed him and super kicked him right under his jaw. I grabbed him and pulled back to punch again, but then we looked to our side to see a train coming. I then pushed us both off and the train road passed, so o trapped onto it. The force it pulled me by almost dislocated my shoulder. I looked up, the air hitting my face hard, to see a struggling Grayson take out another batterang, and throw it right at my grapple and cut it. I then tumbled on the tracks hard and almost fell off, until I held onto the track off the edge with my good arm. My other arm is dislocated as all hell. I'm done.

Dick then walked up to me, breathing heavy and looking likes he's been through hell and back. "It's over Jason." he said, standing proud above me. I tried to pull myself up, but I had no strength left "Give up Jason. You're my brother and I don't want this to lead to something terrible. We can fix this okay, together." he pleaded with me, and put his hand out to pick me up. I looked down and saw a ocean under me. Then, I had to think. Do I go with him and let go of my Batman cowl, or do I drop and hope I live? I looked at Dick, and I let go. Dropping into the ocean, and going unconscious.

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