The Two Troubled

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Three years, three long years I've been away from Gotham. I travel all around the world, always moving so I won't get caught. After all, I am still a wanted criminal around the United States. I have not been in contact with Bruce, nor anyone in the family. Its better off I don't go back to them.

Along my travels, I ran into an unknown group of people called the All Caste. They took me in for a while, and taught me how to control my anger and to forget my past sins. They hold me down, but forgetting what I had done was and still is the hardest task for me to master. I later exiled myself from the group. I didn't want them getting hurt from someone with grudge somehow finds me. And now, I'm here.

I'm only staying the night, and right now I'm gong to the bar to get a few drinks before heading out tomorrow. I went into the bar and sat at the counter. I asked for Cheery Whiskey, and awaited my drink. I then felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned around to see a big, fat, bald headed guy looking at me as if I had done something wrong. "You're in my spot." he stated, and I snickered. Are we in fucking kindergarten? What the hell did this guy think he's doing tell me something like that. I looked around the chair, trying to find something important on it "I'm sorry, but I don't see your name on this seat big guy." I said, and the bar tender brought me my drink. Unfortunately, the bald asshole picked my drink up and threw it in my face. Now I'm starting to get pissed. "Is it still your seat little man?" he said, trying to mock me. All of a sudden, a red haired man sitting next to me said "Yea its his seat! Now buzz off! I've never met this man in my entire two lives, and now he's defending me. The big man walked over to him like he was planning to fight him "No one was talking to you red head. So how about you-" before the idiot could finish the man slammed his head on the counter, immediately knocking the big guy out. Whoa! He then drinked more of his alcohol like nothing ever happened "Thanks." I said, appreciating what he did. "Don't mention it. I hate people trying to get over just because they gotta size advantage." he exclaimed and drinked more. I didn't really know what to say, if you couldn't tell I'm not very good at socializing with other people. "So...what's your name." I decided to ask, and his answer caught me by surprise "Roy Harper."

I remember Dick telling me about him. He use to be the sidekick of Green Arrow, as Speedy. But after getting sick of being in the shadow of Green Arrow, he decided to leave and try his career as a solo hero. If I recall, his new name is Red Arrow.

After staying in the bar for a while, I finally decided to leave. When walking out, I saw Roy leaning on the wall "You're Jason Todd aren't you?" he assumed, which shocked the hell out of me "I'm guessing you and Dick talked in the past four years Red Arrow." I said, showing that he knows his identity as well. He snickered "No one has called me that in years." Roy laughed, almost if I had pushed a nerve. "After being in prison for a year, that name had been forgotten." he announced, and hearing that Roy had been in jail surprised me. "What happened?" I asked, and I could tell he is about to let it all out "I wanted to have my own career. To be a hero! Not someone's sidekick! I tried to step out of Ollie's shadow and into the light, but it didn't work. I turned to alcohol after that, and got busted for two DUI's and assault when some dumbass said something to me that I didn't like." he explained to me. Seems like I'm not the only failed sidekick around. "I know how it feels to be in someones shadow." I stated, and he seemed curious on what I meant "Being Robin wasn't easy. Everyone always comparing you to the other one, saying they want him back." I told him, something I never told anyone ever. "Even when I strayed away, Red Arrow was always compared to Green Arrow in some way or fashion." he said, and started smoking a cigarette. I never knew Roy has had a rough life, such as myself. I also realized that I've been out way too long. I needed to get back to my hotel and get some sleep "Well, nice meeting you Roy." I said and shook his hand "Til we meet again Jason." he exclaimed and we both went our separate ways.

I went back to my hotel room and watches some TV before I went to sleep. And of course, something drastic comes on "Breaking News! Cinderblock is running rapid in Star City!" I had to make a decision. Either leave everyone to die and let Star City get wrecked, or come out of hiding and help them. "Goddamnit!" I growled at myself, because I already knew what I was going to do. I reached into my bag, and pulled out my old Red Hood gear. I haven't wore this in so long, but that didn't matter. I put everything on a headed out, time to become a hero again.

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