Fighting The Young

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We arrived in Steel City the next day, and decided to stay the night in the hotel. We couldn't expect to fight Deathstroke with no sleep at all. I woke the next morning, and got dressed and went to Roy's room "Roy, we need to get going." I said while knocking on the door, no response. However, I did hear something moving in the room "Roy?" I said, and opened the door to see a naked Starfire on top of, what I'm assuming, a naked Roy. They looked and saw me, and I quickly closed the door, Goddamnit! The one thing I didn't want to happen is happening. Them getting together could possibly screw up the agenda, getting Slade. Sure, I slept with her, but that was before we had a mission to do. We really don't need this right now.

They came out the room, Starfire didn't say anything to me, I guess she knew my feelings towards this. "Sorry you walked into that Jason." he said "This thing between you two won't affect the mission right?" I asked, needing to know if it did or not "Of course not! I'm focus like hawk Jason, relax." he said, and I trusted him and didn't bring the situation up again. Hopefully, I don't regret this.

We were staking out on top of a roof, planning our next move. "So we're just staying up here?" Roy asked me, and I nodded "After what we did to Rose, Slade will be hunting for us. We just gotta let him come to us to take our revenge." I explained, and we just waited. "Hey!" someone shouted, and we looked to our side to see three people next to us. However, none of them were Deathstroke. The one in the middle had a mask that cover everything but his nose and mouth. He also had the letter "R" on the center of his chest with a feathered like cape. On his left, was a very tall and bulky man with a black shirt, with Superman's symbol on his chest, wearing regular jeans and sneakers. On his right, was an average man height guy with red hair, and a yellow jumpsuit. Also, he has a red lightning bolt, similar to Flash's. "Just who the hell are you Justice League wannabe." Roy asked, trying to be an asshole "Jason Todd, you're under arrest for the conviction of murder three years ago and the escape from Arkham Asylum." the guy in the middle said, and I immediately was able to decipher who this person was "We have no business with you, Tim."  I said, and he smiled "It's Red Robin now, and you made it my business when you came to my city!" he exclaimed, angering me more. I had no time to deal with him and his band of sidekicks. "Please friends, we do not wish to fight with you." Starfire said, trying to reason with the three "Then how 'bout you make this quick and give up now." the yellow replica of Flash said, if I recall, when I was still Robin, Dick told me about a kid named Kid Flash. "If you try to stop us, any of you, I will not hesitate to put you all down!" I threatened, meaning every word of it. The Superman wannabe then started cracking his knuckles and said "Then come over here and try!" and the fight started.

Starfire fought with the Superman wannabe, who I'm just going to call Superboy. If there is meaning for that symbol to be on his chest, then it would be better if Star handled him. They jumped at each other like titans, and grabbed their hands getting into a test of strength. Superboy then kneed her in the stomach and three her into the air. She caught herself mid air, and blasted her ray beams at him, but he put his arms up to block it. She kept it going though, the force of the blast was pushing him further and further back, until he lunged his arms out and destroyes the ray. They gave a cold, menacing stare, and Superboy power jumped toward her with Starfire flies towards him and she flee into him right into a building. Hope they have fun.

Arsenal took on Kid Flash. His skilled archery should be able to handle is speed. Kid Flash, at super speed, ran at Arsenal and punched him in the face and ran off. "What's wrong? Can catch me arrow head?" Kid Flash exclaimed, smart ass remarks just like Roy. Becoming angry, Arsenal kept shooting arrows at him, missing every time because of his fast running "Damn you!" Arsenal exclaimed, becoming furious while Kid Flash laughed."You almost had it! You gotta be quicker than that!" Kid Flash exclaimed, quoting a commercial and irritating Arsenal. Calming down and regroup himself, Arsenal shot an explosive arrow where he thought Kid Flash would run, and he was right. It exploded and Kid Flash shot into the air and hit a wall hard. That match should be interesting.

Final, it's me and Red Robin. Thos is the second time we have fought, and I could tell this wouldn't be as easy as last time. Tim took out his staff and started swinging it at me, luckily I dodged and blocked the hits. He tried to hit me again with the staff, so I redirected him, making him stumble and elbowed him in the head. However, he quickly swung and hit me in the head with the staff, luckily the helmet took most of the blow. I stumbled forward, and swept kicked him off his feet, but then he threw a smoke pellet down before he hit the ground."Damn it! Where are you!?" I shouted, and I looked to see Tim with his staff high above his head, and slammed it right on top of my head. I fell to the ground, not moving at all. He laughed, thinking that he has won "What happen to putting me down?" he said, mocking me. He lifted my limp body up, but I jumped up and spin kicked right in his jaw. Seeing teeth fly out his mouth, along with some blood, he fell to the floor unconscious. "You were saying?" I asked, now mocking him. I took out my pistol, ready to finish him off. But, I heard screaming coming from my left and turned to see Superboy running full speed at me. He put his shoulders down, like a football player, and hit me into a wall extremely hard. The immense pain stunned me, making me frequently open and close my eyes. Trying to stay awake. Then, I saw the three gather around me. I couldn't move, the pain is too much, so I hoped the other two would come and save me. I saw Starfire and Arseanal behind them, and they saw me. Looking at each other and talking, Starfire grabbed Arsenal and flew away. Leaving me to be capture by the Young Justice.

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