Joker Located

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Months have passed, I've gotten cold on locating Joker. He leaves nothing behind, he doesn't stay in one place, and when I actually catch one of his goons, they whether me kill them then telling me where Joker is and suffer his consequences. I don't blame them. After what I did to a Tim, there's no way Bruce would consider helping me. So sadly, I'm on my own. However, my luck just got a little better. Apparently, Tim was captured by Joker a couple days ago. Joker ran sick test on him with highly illegal technology, turning him into a Joker looking child. After Batman and Batgirl, who I don't know who the hell is, stopped Joker and Harley they changed Tim back to his original self. Time to get some answers from good ole Tim.

I went to his hospital, I looked in the window to see Tim in the hospital bed asleep. I also noticed a blonde haired girl sitting by his side. Maybe this was the new Batgirl I've been hearing about. None the less, it didn't matter. All that mattered is to get the information from Tim, and go find Joker. I took my helmet off and entered through the window "What the hell!?" the blondie exclaimed and rose from her chair, preparing to fight "Relax blondie. Me and the kid know each other." I said, not wanting pick a fight right now. "Batman warned us about you! I won't let you hurt him!" the girl shouted and got into her fighting stance "I'm here to hurt him. I'm just here to get some intel from him." I said, but then I looked at the kid. He was in no shape, or even any mentality to answer any questions. "Maybe it be best to ask you." I stated, and I guess she realized I wasn't going to hurt him and sat down. "What do you want to know?" I aggressively asked me "Where did the Joker take Tim?" I asked her, not wasting anymore time about this. "Me and Bruce received a message stating that Joker had captured Tim and had him hostage outside of Gotham. It's an amusement park Joker inhabited named Joker's Funland. We weren't able to take them in, we were to worried about Tim." she explained and looked at the hurt Robin. I kinda feel a little bad for the bird brat. I know what Joker can do and I don't wish it on anyone. "Thanks." I said and put my helmet on, ready to head out "Wait! What are you going to do?" the girl asked, and I just tired and said in a menacing voice "I'm going to do what Bruce should of done five years ago. Finish that damn clown!"

I went there. It looked creepy and had a very weird feeling towards it. But I didn't care, its finally time. I walked in quietly so I would alarm them. All I saw were idiotic pictures of Joker and Harley. I just wanted to smash them all but I couldn't if I wanted to get him. I looked around the corner into the room, and saw him. Joker and Harley sitting on a couch watching American Horror Stories. Both of the physcopaths laughing at the show like it was a comedy, fuck this its time! "Joker!" I exclaimed with my duel pistols in my hand. He looked over, and pulled Harley up and in front of him like a shield. "Back off Chrome Dome!" he said, trying to walk away while making sure I can't shoot him " I don't have time for this!" I shouted and shot Harley right in her shoulder, causing her to fall to the ground in agony. Joker looked shocked, and started that sadistic laugh again "Oh my God! You actually shot her!" he laughed, but he won't be laughing for long. I charged at him, grabbed him, and threw him right through a wall. I tried walking towards him, but Harley grabbed my leg with her good arm "No! Don't hurt my Mr J!" she cried out, and I aimed my gun straight at her and said "If you don't let go of me, I will fill your head with led!" and she let go, smart move. I went to the hole in the wall, and stepped through it to see Joker laughing in agony, which made me even more angry! I picked the son of a bitch up and strongly punches him in the face three times, the last shot knocking him out. Oh don't worry Joker, tonight we are both going to have a laugh.

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