The Decision

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"Sir! Batman is going after the Commissioner." my Sargent told me, and I didn't respond and just headed towards them. I might have conflicted feelings of what I'm doing, but I am still head of an entire army. And I still had a responsibility to do what I promised everyone I would do. Defeat Batman and destroy Gotham.

I got to where Gordon was being held, and saw Batman trying to untie him. "I would worry about me, not the old man." I exclaimed and pointed one of my duel pistol at him. He stopped, turned around, and gave me a cold stare. "I know its you Jason." he stated, and it didn't shock me. It made me laugh, and I opened my helemt so he could see my face "Nice to see you remember your mistake Bruce." I said, still aiming my pistol at him so he didn't make any sudden movements. "Your vengeance is with me Jason, not with the city. Stop helping Scarecrow and let's finish this one on one." he said, trying to convince me to stop aiding Scarecrows plans. I could care less about Sacrecrows plan anymore, I just wanted to finish the job and get my revenge "You're in no position to make negotiations Bruce." I said, wanting him to choose his next words wisely. Unfortunately, he didn't say another word. He lunged and kicked me in my chest, and threw a smoke pellet down so I wouldn't know where he was. "There's no hiding Dark Knight. I will hunt you down!" I exclaimed, that fury in me is growing again. I took the face mask on my helmet off, and made my helmry glow red. Fuck Arkham Knight, I am Red Hood.

Again, this battle is one I could not win. I tried to snipe him while my men were on the ground looking for him, but he took them out with ease. And eventually took me out. I laid on the ground, defeated and broken. "Jason..." Bruce said and walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulder "Come back to the manor. I can help you, just like I did so long ago." he offered. My rage, my will to fight, all gone in a flash. I just felt nothing. "I'm sorry." I said, and threw a smoke pellet down and disappeared.

I wanted no part of this war, this city, nor Batman or any of his family. I wanted to be by myself, and so I shall. Goodbye Gotham, you won't be missed.

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