Black Mask

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I remember Bruce telling me the story of The Joker. How he was a dude with a red helmet to take the fall while the others got away. And eventually fell into the acid that created what we all know him as. So, in spite of him as well, that's going to be my name, Red Hood.

Once I finished the suit, I wasted little time and put it on. The armor is very nice, surprised thugs like them had stuff like this. But, I couldn't waste my time admiring my armor, there's a clown out there for me to kill! I went outside and used my grappling to get on top of the roof. Sadly, I have no idea where to look for that freak. As much as I dont want to admit, it be much easier if I had Batman on my side.

Suddenly, I saw a red dot appear on my chest plate. It started to rise, and I then realized what it really was. A sniper. I quickly dived off the roof before he could get the shot off. I grappled to another vantage point to scan my area for the sniper. I really don't need this shit right now! I looked around, and saw nothing. It was like there was no one there and I probably was seeing things. Not! Before I knew it I was hit over the head with the butt of the sniper rifle, knocked unconscious. Great job me.

I awoke in a cell, now I know how my father felt. I looked around myself and saw I didn't have my weapons nor my mask. "Fuck!" I whispered too myself, and all of a sudden a menacing voice said "Looking for theses?" I looked over and saw a very tall man, a little bit of muscle in him, wearing a white suit and a strange black mask. Ah shit, it's Roman Sionis. The Black Mask. "Black Mask. I'm surprised your ugly face is still roaming Gotham." I said, mocking the Smooth Criminal wannabe. "That armor you got on punk, it's mine. I want it back, and just for fun I want you dead! But in the mean time, rot in the cage like the filthy animal you are!" Black Mask announced, and walked away leaving a guard with an assault rifle near the cage. "You know, when I get out I'm going to kill you." I bluntly said, which set off the guard. He walked up to the cell and help the gun proudly "I could end you now and no one would give a damn! I'd advice you watch your mouth talkin' to me!" the guard exclaimed, and before he could react I grabbed and slammed his head into the cell, night night. I held his body up to get the keys, and when I found them I dripped his ass. I got out and got my gear and armor, along with the rifle the kind unconscious guard gave to me. And now, its payback time!

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