Resurrection Day

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I felt sleep and couldn't wake up from my sleep. Then, all of a sudden I felt a jolt in my body and awoke from my "everlasting" slumber. I looked around, but all I can't see anything. Its pitch black where I am. I tried moving my head up, but I hit my head on something hard. Where the hell am I? All of a sudden whatever I was in opened and rain hit my pale face. Once my eyes got adjusted, I saw a strange figure hover above me. "Come with me young Todd, it's time I right my wrong." the man said to me, he kind of sounds familiar, but I'm more worried about getting out of here then his damn name "Back off jackass!" I said and punched him as hard as I could and jumped out and started running. I'm weak though, I feel like I haven't had any exercise in ages. I feel like I haven't ate or drank something for such a long time. What is going on with me!? I fell, and couldn't move an inch. I'm so weak its pitiful. "My god, how on earth are you alive?" the man said and I saw his face, and I quickly realized that it was Ra's al gul. Memories started flooding back to me, Batman, Dick, the missions, and even Joker. Ra's picked me up and said "Come boy." but before we left I saw our surrounding, a graveyard with a headstone saying "Here lies Jason Todd Rest in Peace." and I passed out.

I awoke in a room, and jolted up to see where I was. "Save your strength, you dont have a lot of it." A female said to me across the room "What you say to me?" I said I'm disgust, how dare she talk to me like I'm some damn weakling. "Restraint Jason, we are here to help." Ra's said while walking into the room and facing me "What is going on!? Why the hell am I here?" I exclaimed in so much anger, I wanted answers already I'm tired of being left in the dark "Jason, before tonight you were dead. Beaten to death by the Joker, and it is my fault." Ra's explained to me, and the memories of Joker brutally beating me with that damn crowbar came back. Although, him saying its his fault caught my attention more "What do you mean its your fault?!" I asked very aggressively "I wanted Batman gone, and I knew to get to him I had to get to the nest best thing, you. The other boy was too well trained to fool nor beat, but a fifth teen year old hot head is just what I needed to get my pan in action. I made the fake note to lure u away so Joker could beat you down, not to kill you! I never meant for this to happen to you." Ra's explained to me in detail, and I flipped out completely "Son of a bitch! You had me killed!" I screamed at the fuck, he ruined my entire life with what he did to me! I calmed myself down so I could ask the big question "How long have I been dead?" he stopped and sighed, I know I'm not gonna like this answer "Five years, and it's left me some time to think about my action. That is why I came to your grave to bring you back to life using the Lazarus Pit. But somehow something was altered in reality, causing you to regain the breath of life yet again. But it seems you still do need my Lazarus Pit seeing your weaken figure." he said, and for the first time since I've been dead I was silent "Consider my debt paid Jason." he said and walked out of the room, signaling me it follow. What else could happen on this crazy ass night?

I only had underwear on, above a green smoking water. "Ready Jason?" Ra's asked me, and I had to look down one more time before I answered "Ready!" I said, and took a deep breath and jumped into the water. Then, I felt a change, and arose from the pool a new man. He came Disney and checked on me "How do you feel Ja-" but before he finished I grabbed him by the neck and held him up "Alive!" I said in a menacing and threw him across the room. I jumped up out of the pool and broke out of his castle. For the first time in my life, I feel alive and ready to take down criminals, my style!

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