Batman and Robin?

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I walked quietly down the hall with the rifle in hand, ducking to make sure no one picks me off out of nowhere. I looked out of the broken window to see multiple guards around. On the other side of the room, there's a big door. I'm willing to bet that Black Mask is in there. I have to take these guys out before I can get Sionis, so time to have a little fun!

There is about ten guards in here. Eight walking, and two up top with snipers. I got to be stealthy if I wanna make it out if here alive. Dying doesn't sound fun the second time around. On my right, two were walking together. I use my grappling hook to get above them, ninja time! I dropped down and snap one of there necks, the other looked at me in great fear "Oh sh-" but before he could finish I put a knife in his throat. "Hey, you!" I heard, and quickly up to see two other guards aiming there rifles at me. Without hesitation, I took out my duel pistols and unloaded in them both. "What was that!?" I heard other guards say, shit! I grappled up to get out of sight, and quickly noticed something, where are the snipers? I looked around and saw no one up top anymore, did I take them and just forget? Screw it, I'm just gonna take these last guys out and end Sionis. I then heard a grunt and some commotion, what the hell? I looked down and saw the last guards down unconscious. I didn't do that! What's going on! I went down and looked around, and all of a sudden I felt a present around me, and I heard his voice "Who are you?" I recognize that menacing, terrifying voice anywhere "Batman."

I turned around to see the cape crusader, wanting to just lunge at him and attack for what he's done to me! But, I kept my cool, until I saw his new friend "Batman, that's the last of them. Some of them were found dead though." A kid, about 14 years old, wearing a mask, small cape, red shirt with the letter "R" over his heart. Another Robin!? That mother fucker! Not only did he not kill Joker, let Joker hurt Barbra, but now you have another Robin! "Are you responsible for those deaths?" Batman asked, trying to terrify me to talk, like that'll happen. "What's it to you?" I exclaimed, not showing no fear of him. I walked pass them both, not giving a damn about either of them and headed to Sionis, time to end this!

I kicked the door down, scanning the room for him "Black Mask! Get out here and face me!" I shouted, wanting to finish him and move on. I then felt a shot over my head and ran a kneeled behind a bar counter. Black Mask laughed, almost if he thought he'd won already "Come out Red Hood! There's nowhere for you to go!" he exclaimed, and I hate to admit but he's right. If I peak my head out just the slightest, I'm dead. And trying to shoot blindly would only get my hand shot off. Great, not what the fuck do I do? I then heard the door bust down and Sionis grunting. Sounding like he was being beaten up. Oh my god it better not be them! I looked up and saw the new dynamic duo taking out Sionis, fucking show offs. I came out of hiding while the new Robin was tying Black Mask "I had it under control!" I shouted at them, very pissed off that they helped me. I dont need their help! Especially not Batman! "You should be thanking us. It it wasn't for us you'd be dead." The bird brat said, I just wanted to strangle his neck. I looked at Batman "He's already let me die once." I said, and quickly realized what I had said. "What?" Batman exclaimed, now pondering what I meant. I had to act fast, I didn't want him finding out who I am. "Just stay away from me! I don't need your help!" I said and grappled my way out of there.

A new Robin huh Bruce?! You just forgot about me and got some other kid to do your bidding! Well I'll show what happens when your past comes back to haunt you! Time to have a little chat with this new Robin!

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