New Vigilante

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City closes to me is Blood Haven, I might as well crash there until I get everything together. I really should of got my clothes before I left Ra's place, not my smartest idea. Luckily, some dumb bastard was on his phone so I easily took his blue jeans and red hoodie. Now all I need to do is find a place to stay. I walked into a motel and walked up to the lobby "Room now." I said to the guy behind the counter "Sorry sir but I ain't give you a room out of nowhere! I need mo-" and I stopped, grabbed, and slammed his head on the counter "Room. Now." I said again, maybe he didn't hear me well enough the first time. This time, he just gave me the key and said "Have a nice stay!" what a nice guy.

I went into my room and examined it. It looks like shit, but I deal with it for now. I went into the bathroom and saw something different about me. My eyes were odd, like something is possessing me. And for some reason there is a white streaks in the front of my hair. Maybe it's the affect of being dead for half a decade. I then hopped on this uncomfortable bed as watched some TV, and saw something interesting. "Breaking News, the villain known as Two-Face has held up BHB (Blood Haven Bank) with his band of goons. BHPD are standing outside making negotiations, but things don't look good right now folks." I got up quickly and jumped out the window and sprinted down there. It's my time to show how to really be a hero!

Once I got down there I saw all the police out front, there was no way I was getting in from there. So, time to use the back door. I walked back there and saw two of Dent's goons outside guarding the door "Oh, this should be fun!" I said to myself and walked up to them. They both had pistols, Harvey must've didn't expect anyone to come back here. "Hey assholes!" I said to get their attention, and of course it worked "Back off Red Riding Hood or we'll fill you with lead!" one of the goons said, and I just smiled. I hit the gun out of his hand and spin kicked him into a wall. I looked at the other guy, the poor bastard is shaking in his boots "Run." I said and he dropped his gun and ran off with his tail between his legs. Too easy.

I then picked up both the pistols, and I could just remember the old man teaching me all I know so I wouldn't have to use these "devils" he called it. Well, now my schools in session! I picked up the pistols and kicked down the doors, and just started unloading bullets into them. One by one, they all went down with blood scattering everywhere. This is how it should of been done from the first place! I then kicked the door down to see Harvey putting money in a sack "Might wanna turn around Two-Face." I said while holding the gun towards him. He turned towards me with a gun planning to shoot me, but I shot him in the arm so he dropped it. "Ah! God damnit all!" he screamed and dropped to his knees. I walked up to him and put the gun to his head "Please! What do you want?! Money? Woman? Anything?!" Harvey exclaimed, trying to reason with me. "All I want is you dead!" I exclaimed, and before I could pull the trigger I heard a familiar voice say "Put the freak down!" I turned around, and saw good ole big brother, Dick. I turned around with the gun still at Dent's head "Long time no see Nightwing." I said to him, and he looked confused "Seems like we met, and if that's so then you know how this will end." he said, and I knew the perfect thing to do "Hey Dent, the guy over there name is Dick Grayson." I revealed to Dent, and the face Dick was so priceless "Oh dont worry Dick" I stopped and then shot Dent straight in the head "he'll never tell a soul." I exclaimed and shot at Dick so I could distract him, and it worked and I was able to escape.

The killer of my father is dead, I've dome more than Batman has done for the decades he wore the mask, and I took them down my way! Yeah, this going to be fun.

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