Running Ramped

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As we got ready, Rose's guards came in from the broken window. There are two, both had kitanas with them as well. One of them swung at me, luckily I was able to dodge and kicked him in these chest out the window. Hearing a big thud when he hit the ground too. When I looked over, I saw a boxing glove arrow hit the guard in the face, and watches the guard fall and heard another thud when he hit the ground. We ran out the room and quickly went down the stairs. We ran so fast, to run into about five guards, all with automatics. "Shit! Hide!" I exclaimed to Roy, and we both got behind the Pilar's next to us. I tried to peak my arm out to shoot back, but they would shoot at me before I could even aim the gun. I then took out a smoke pellet, and looked to my side to see Arsenal taking out an explosive arrow. We nodded at each other, showing that we're in the same page, and I quickly threw the pellet at them. It went off, smoke filled their side of the room, and Arsenal shot his explosive arrow on the roof, causing it to fall on them.

We got through the rubble, and ran as fast as we can to the house. Once we opened the door, we saw Starfire sitting against the wall, with a sword in her left shoulder "Star!" we exclaimed, and ran towards her to check on her health. We quickly took the sword out and Roy put pressure on the wound. Starfire didn't seem to know where she was as she finally opened her eyes, but she then looked behind with a concerned look. Being confused and paran, I turned around to see a knife hurling at me. Luckily with my training I was able to catch it before it could impale my skull. I then saw Ravager across the room, ready for a fight, like I am. "Arsenal, tend to Starfire. I got this." I said, and he didn't question because he knew I mean business right now. There is absolutely no way your getting away this time!

I started walling towards her, and she did the same. No weapons, just pure fighting. I ran towards her and dropped kicked her, she stepped back a few steps from the blow and I kicked up so we could start fighting. We traded blows that we dodged, we were both well trained and skilled in martial arts. I just had to catch her in a mistake, and its over. I punched her twice in the face, dazing her so she swung wildly, her mistake, and I got behind and suplexed her. She landed on her neck and the back of her head, and was unconscious. Of course, I won.

She woke up and looked to see all three of us around her. She tried to move, but we tied her up well. "Hey look, Snow White is awake." Roy said, always with the jokes. But to me, this is serious shit now. This girl is part of the reason the All Caste are dead, and I'm beyond pissed off. "I'm gonna ask you this once, and then I get violent. Where is Deathstroke?" I asked, pretty much demanding an answered. She laughed though, like this was some kind of damn joke "You think you scare me? My father will find out what you're doing and he'all more than glad to torture you before he collects his pay." Ravager explained, and also stated "You have a lot of experience with torture, don't you Jason?" Reminding me of what Joker did to me long ago. I then looks at Starfire and nodded. Star then put her hand on her leg and started burning her with her powers. Ravager screamed in pain, which made me feel so good hearing the agony in her voice. Star then stopped "Still don't wanna answer?" I asked, kneeling next to her "Fuck you! You're not getting shit out of me!" she exclaimed and spit in my face, that's it! I kicked so she fell on her back, held my pistol to her eye, and shot. She screamed very loud, with blood pouring from her eye "Either tell me where Slade is, or I'll put a bullet in your other eye!" I threatened, which is really a promise. After squirming and crying, she spoke. "Okay! Okay! Steel City! He had a hide out in Steel City! He never told me where because he didn't want anything to happen and I reveal it! That's all I know!" and I smiled "See, was that so hard?" I asked, being sarcastic. Me and the Outlaws then left, leave her in terrible pain from her eye. Next stop, Steel City.

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