√ Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

P R I N C E   L E V I

5 years later, after the incident in King and Queen Academy. . .

Seething, I jabbed the destitute input of data on my keyboard which were put together by my ex-hired employees. Without me, the buffoons couldn't even manage the smallest bug that caused a glitch in the system. Buying a manor had been too soon, clearly my early retirement fantasy had to be on hold. Apart from my company's problems, Bill Gates just had to remind me of the advanced work he ordered me to do for him last week which I totally forgot about.

My migraine throbbed like prickly needles in my head and my eyes were seconds to drooping in heavenly darkness. I have not slept for three days.

"Mrs. Bennet, I'm a very impatient man and there's a deadline biting me in the ass. I need my coffee," I growled into the telephone.

"My apologies, your majesty! I will send someone up right away. You hired so many servants all of a sudden, my head is about to explode," she fumed in a high-pitched tone.

"Isn't that your job Mrs. Bennet? But remember this: I'm your priority, so give me my goddamn coffee."

"Y-yes sire!"

I put down the phone as I combed a hand through my disheveled hair. I opened my other laptop and immediately began typing furiously as I glanced back and forth from the finance paper, made of familiar codes and patterns. Why did Bill Gates make me do an elementary homework again? Is he mocking me? Easy as it was, it needed time and time right now wasn't in my agenda.

I heard a soft knock on the door, almost didn't hear it in fact. Fortunately, my hankering for coffee had been a constant nag. "Come in."

The door slowly opened, revealing a girl I haven't seen before, probably one of the new employees. At least Mrs. Bennet chose something pleasant to look at.

"Y-your majesty, th-this is your coffee," she stuttered as she shakily put the coffee on my table.

"Why are you shaking? Are you scared of me?" I couldn't help but be blunt. In my calculations she's either scared of me or hiding something.

"N-no sir--" She abruptly pulled her hand from the cup which caused it to tip over, spilling its contents on the papers that Bill Gates fucking gave me.

"What the fuck!" I yelled. I quickly got my laptop out of the way and abruptly stood up.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, your majesty!!" She shakily got her apron to wipe the coffee off my table, then yowled, quickly pulling her hand away from the hot and spilled coffee. She put her burnt finger in her mouth which might have looked cute in other circumstances but with the migraine and deadline pressure—she simply looked stupid.

"You clumsy woman, get out of my fucking sight! You're fired!" I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated, and fixed my tipped eyeglasses.

The girl fell onto her knees as tears brimmed in her green eyes. "I'm sorry your majesty! Please forgive m-me." She chanted.

"Get. Out."

"No, please- I need this j-job! Please!"

"Get. The. Fuck. OUt!"

She just had to keep insisting. "Please give me another chance! Pl-please!"

Cursing, my eyes trailed through the window outside where it was scorching hot.

"Okay." I smirked sadistically. "Why don't you kneel outside for two days? Let's see if you can do that."

That would make her shut up and leave.

She abruptly stood up and stared at me in the eyes. No servant ever looked at me in the eye, why isn't she afraid?

"If that's to get my job back, I w-will."

"Good luck then," I said with sarcasm, "Now get out."

She left, making me wonder if she would really do it. Of course not. But I was wrong. Moments later, after asking Bill to email me another copy of his assignment, I looked outside through my window. The sun shone like a thousand torches as I squinted until I saw her petite figure kneeling on the grass outside. As if she would even last an hour. Let's see.

I proceeded to work again while my servants came in to clean up the mess and serve me meals and snacks. Night arrived as I eventually finished the tasks and made my round of calls to the employees of my company.

Speaking of employees—the clumsy girl. She must be home by now, crying because she couldn't do her job right.

I looked outside my window and my eyes almost gorged out of my sockets. She's still fucking there. I blinked my eyes hoping she'd disappear but she didn't. Whatever, as if she would survive the night.

I shook my head and went to lie on my bed, not bothered by the slightest.

I couldn't sleep.


"Your majesty, it's time for your breakfast." I felt a soft nudge on my shoulder.

I opened my eyes and saw Mrs. Bennet looking at me begrudgingly. I quickly stood up from my bed and looked outside my window. "She's still fucking there."

"Yes, your majesty. We tried getting her up but the lady wouldn't. She said this job is her life. Forgive me my prince, but don't you think it's ti--"

"Shut your mouth, Mrs. Bennet. I don't care if she's kneeling there for a month except for the fact that the grass won't be mowed where she's sitting. Now leave; I'll be busy as always."

She frowned. "Yes, your majesty. If that's your wish. Poor woman." The plump woman, who'd been my servant for ten years, finally left. She'd always pry in my business like a nagging mother, sniping comments here and there.

I tried burying my conscience through countless codes and patterns. Because of my pride and ego, I wouldn't look outside of my window. It was already mid-afternoon and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be there anymore.

Slowly I pulled away the curtains and there I saw her amidst the heat of the sun, she knelled like a daisy in the middle of the fucking field. Exhaling an angry sigh, I stomped down my manor. Everyone was looking at me; the new hires' eyes were wide with wonder, making me want to fire them all.

I went outside and she was closing her eyes, swaying like a flower, probably from hunger and dehydration. Why is she still fucking kneeling? Where is her pride?

"Get up," I said when I was two steps away from her.

She opened her light green eyes and stared at me. They were hooded at first but widened when she recognized me. A smile broke on her face and I was stunned to see it. Why is she smiling at me?

"Am I forgiven, your majesty?" She exasperated through her cracked voice.


Her smile broadened as she weakly stood up, but as she did, her eyes rolled back, and her body fell forward. I caught her just in time. Her head fell lightly on my chest and a smell or lilies hit my nostrils. I shivered from nausea as a thread of nostalgia seeped through my being.

I looked down at the girl whose stubbornness and will made a familiar stamp. Her thick eyelashes were fluttered closed and her clear complexion shone against the sun.

This girl, I'm not sure if I can handle her. She is so goddamn stubborn and annoying. But I'll sure find a way to fire her next time.

For now, she can rest.


Hey guys! So what do you think of this chapter? Do you guys want to find out what happens next? Please vote and tell me your thoughts!

Love ya guys!

Thanks to @lovesick_pessimist for making the awesome cover!

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