° Chapter 29

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Levi's POV

Groaning and squirming in eternal pain, I tried opening my eyes but even that feat was too hard for my pathetic and useless body to do. I could smell the tangy metal and feel it coil tightly around my body. Wet dirt and murky dust accompanied the smell in the cold air. I was shivering, brittle, and vulnerable, waiting, waiting for death and hoping for a saviour.

Yet I knew nobody would come. Betrayed and probably chained in the middle of nowhere wasn't as bad as being heartbroken. Ophelia, the familiar girl who became my realistic fantasy turned out to be the daughter of my greatest enemy. One wouldn't be able to understand how hard it is not to trust anyone anymore yet a small sparkle of hope inside me wondered if she wasn't lying at all.

But before that, I needed to escape.

"You awake my dearest friend?" Deryck's husky voice asked.

I did a small whimper and nodded my head.

"If you haven't guessed yet, those policemen poisoned you. If I hadn't been in the area and if your loyal bodyguard didn't inform me, you would have died like a pussy in the streets. A lame way to die for a future king, don't ya think?"

I began having a fit of cough. Liquid came out from my mouth, a taste of familiar saltiness filled my mouth which could only be one thing--blood.

"Fuck, here, drink this." A cold metal touched my lips and I painfully opened my mouth to drink the minty and pungent remedy.

"You should be feeling trapped but really, you're not. Psychology states that because you can't move, you feel chained. You, poor fucker."

Something told me that he was telling the truth so I decided to believe him.

He chatted on like a goofball while I began reminiscing the past again.

"Levi, you have to do this, you understand? Make the nuclear bombs go off to Syria and China. Let them fight like idiots and in the end we'll conquer them all."

Chained with electrical wires, all I could do was nod and cry.

A keyboard was in front of me and a blank screen. I couldn't do what he asked me to do.

So I did what was best for all.


Dying for a million citizens, I couldn't be more satisfied. It was worth dying for.

"Levi!! I'll get you for this!!!!" Howled the once owner of the most pretigious academy before drowning in flames.

"Levi, I know what you've been through." His hand was on my shoulder, gripping it tightly, "I've always believed in you and that would never change."

I grunted, disbelieving.

"Why do you think you're still alive right now? After all the bantering and fighting with guns. Have you forgotten that I never miss?" He chuckled.

What he said was true. He was a pro in the gunning field, case closed. But how? No blackmailing was settled on him, not that I remembered.

"I know you did it to save me. Humiliating me and betraying my trust could only mean one thing, you were off to do something stupid like saving my life." His voice wavered and I could feel tears brimming in my eyes.

"What happened was unfortunate but that's the past. Now is now and I call for redemption. Let's have a truce. It's all been an act Levi."

"I have always been on your side, remember that."

"Why?" I managed to ask with the raspiest voice I ever had.

"I have been ordered Levi and not only me. All that has been in the academy are out to get you. Now that they know you're here, they won't hold back."

"Apparently those wusses had psychological problems, some couldn't sleep at night because of the fire that you made that day." He snickered. "Tsk, so pathetic."

"And they are blaming you also for their injuries, some got burn scars and having scars in an aristocratic family or royalty is a disgrace. This one, I understand but the phobia shit is just ridiculous!"

I couldn't understand. That was such a long time ago, how could they keep their grudges that long?

"So you see how much you are in danger. You have to be really careful. It's like throwing yourself in a pack of wolves. Not a good decision bud."

"Who ordered you?" I asked slowly but surely.

"Who ordered us to kill you? You sure you wanna know?"

I nodded my head and grunted. Why would have I asked in the first place?

"He didn't die. The one person who could have killed millions of lives. The chairman of our beloved academy that was burnt to ashes. He's still alive Levi, all this time. And he's coming for you."

Sorry for being a shitty author, updater. I hope you guys liked this chappy! Missing you all!

I'll update once I get 80 votes and 60 comments. Thank you!

And don't forget to read my newest book: Fill the Gap. !!!!!!!!! You won't regret it, promise!!

Luv ya pips! Mwuah!

p.s. Are you guys seeing any video ads in my books? Just making sure coz I joined the ads thingy so I can get money to publish in the future! :D Please do support me! Thank you!

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