Chapter 26

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So yeah, it's been three months? or more? xD Sowry, had stuff to do, and if you haven't read the news and update book by me, please read it, it's quite important. Just read the book "Thoughts,updates, rants, news" and the explanation of why I haven't been updating, and how I'll be writing my books will be there along with other shenanigans. Thankz! 


Lily's/ Ophelia's POV

I must have gone crazy.

If someone had told me before that I would be bawling my eyes out in front of my family, telling them the most outrageous story of how they could be in danger, and that I was being framed, that I never wrote a letter, nor did I want them to imprison the man I love, I would have laughed at the ridiculous scenario, for I,  the eldest princess of Germany, Princess Ophelia would have never dreamed of behaving as such. I guess love does that to you. 

Desperation. My heart never beat as fast. The guilt seemed to crawl inside my heart, trying to manipulate me, making me want to vomit. I had never felt so wronged, so unjustified, so misunderstood. This doesn't make any sense!

"That's enough!" My father, the King of Germany bellowed. "Ophelia, get up my beautiful daughter. I can't bear to see you kneeling on the ground. That prince must have corrupted you, he deserves to be dethroned." He shook his head as he held my arms to lift me up.

"Father, what I'm saying is the truth. How could I lie? I had never lied even once to you, " I sobbed through my words. I clutched on his shoulder as hard as I could. "Dad, please."

"It's time for you to come home. Your curiosity should be quenched by now after being gone for almost a year. I'm disappointed in you Ophelia. " Hurt flashed in his eyes as he turned his head as if he couldn't bear to see my state.

"Mother, please believe me." I looked at my mother instead who had been crying since she saw me. She hugged me in return along  with my sister.

"You need to rest. Oh, my poor Ophelia, what has he done to you?"

"You don't look well sis, you must be ill."

I couldn't believe how my effort of trying to convey the truth to them wouldn't be acknowledged and as a result slowly began to obliterate my every last hope. I thought we were family, and family trusts each other. So why wouldn't they? Perhaps, it was my fault. Perhaps, there was someone behind all of it. Perhaps, there was evil hiding in this madness, a hunter lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike me with an arrow---hoping for this moment, this vulnerable moment where I'd just give in.

But I wouldn't. I wouldn't let them get their way.

"How about Theresa?" I pulled away from my mother and sister's embrace. "What happened to her? I saw it, in the news, she's dead. She's the person who told me it would be dangerous. What happened?"

My mother's eyes widened as she looked at my father who's face morphed into something dark and unreadable. His glaring eyes turned to me and for once in my life I felt scared. Scared of my own father.

"This matter is none of your concern. Ophelia, what happened to you? Why are you so stubbon?" He seethed.

"Darling," my mother sternly said as she held my arm, "listen to your father. I didn't raise you to become insolent."

Melissa, my sister began crying again, whimpering softly as she wiped the tears from her eyes. It must have been tough. Theresa had been like a second mother to us.

"I'm not a kid anymore," I still pushed on, "I deserve to know--"

"Hush, my child!" My father shouted, his hands balled into fists. "Ophelia, this is too much!" He looked at the royal guards. "Lock her up in the castle."

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