• Chapter 8

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Well here's the next chapter! Enjoy and tell me what you think. :D I might not be able to reply to your comments from now on. Been really busy with school and crap but I do read them all. xD


Chapter 8


Days have passed, torturous ones. In the mornings I would see him eating breakfast with Jessica like a carefree and easygoing man. She made him laugh and he seemed happy. She would lean on his shoulder and wrap her hands around his arm and Prince Levi would let her because they were supposed to be a couple anyway. Each time I see them, my small hope of the prince and I together slowly diminish and at the end of the day I would cry myself to sleep.

"Lily, you should eat more. You've lost so much weight, it's making me worried. Is there something wrong?" Mrs. Bennet asked me.

I smiled weakly at her. "It's okay Mrs. Bennet, I'm fine." Heartbreak can really darken your world.

I heard the laugh of the Prince at their table and it made me cringe.

"It's been rather lively here since the princess arrived," One of the old maids commented.

"And it's sickening. That girl sticks like gum to the Prince." Brenda glared at the oatmeal before her and grumpily shoved the spoon into her mouth.

"Brenda, control your tongue. Princess Jessica is good for him. She makes him happy and laugh like he should. And I've never seen him this happy." Mrs. Bennet wiped the tear that was at the edge of her eye out of sheer joy.

I grumbled lowly on my seat and was glad that nobody heard it. He's happy. He's happy with her and not me. Perhaps, it's time to move on.

"I see it as fake. No prince should be as happy as that," Brenda denied and it somehow comforted me.

Thank you, Brenda.

"Oh, shush! Just be happy for them! You should get over your little crush because it would never happen."

Mrs. Bennet's words felt like a truck hitting on my chest. I quickly stood up and excused myself to leave. I went to the empty laundry room and exhaled a sob. What is happening to me? Should I just let go and be happy for him? He's happy now so I should be happy for him, right?

The door opened before I know it and I gasped at the sight of the Prince.

"Prince, what a-are you doing h-here?" I asked, looking at the floor, finding it suddenly interesting as I quickly wiped down my tears.

"You're crying again. Is it because of the maids? Are they bullying you?"

I shook my head and groaned, turning my back on him. How could he be so stupid for someone so smart?

He laughed sarcastically. "It's always been about me, right? I'm the cause of your crying."

My breath hitched as he answered his question.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm going to end it soon?"

I inhaled fully before asking him what had been on my mind. "Then why not now?"

"She's not ready, Lily. Whenever I begin talking about our marriage, she interrupts me with her pity talk. She starts talking about how negative things deteriorate her body."

"I-I think it's you who's not ready. You're happy when you're with her. You're afraid to lose her." It hurt just to say it, but it's the truth.

He swiftly turned me around to face him. "No, I'm not afraid to let her go. And I'm happy in general because of you."

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