√ Chapter 7

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You guys must not like me for not updating. I had a writer's block, oops, and I was really busy. But pray for me so that I can update regularly now. xD HOPEFULLY.


Chapter 7


I wasn't able to sleep last night until little evidence of dawn has arrived. A few hours later, I woke up feeling giddy and excited for some bizarre reason. We decided to stay in Prince Levi's home rather than the hotel which made me ecstatic. Hotels are too commercial for me.

Getting up, I stretched and proceeded to get ready for the day. I wanted to make the prince a hearty breakfast before we go back to his mansion. There was a huge problem though; I couldn't cook but recipe books should be enough to help me.

Earnestly, I began to heat up water for the oatmeal. It was probably the easiest meal to cook in the morning because it didn't even fill the whole page in the recipe book. I smiled and looked for milk through the cupboards.

"Morning," I heard Prince Levi say.

I quickly turned around in surprise and bumped the pot of water in the process. There was a clang and I screamed from the commotion. Water was splashed all over my legs and feet but it was a good thing that it wasn't boiling or too hot.

"Jesus," Levi swore and quickly hauled me in his arms. I could feel his quick breathing as he ran to the bathroom. He put me down and turned on the shower, making the both of us wet.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" He crouched down and touched my legs, lifting up the summer dress I was wearing.

I swallowed and shivered at his burning touch. His hand trailed higher and his eyes were full of concern. I could feel my heart racing as he tenderly soothed down my legs with the cold water.

I opened my mouth and fidgeted. "I'm okay, prince. It wasn't that h-hot." I tried to explain but he still continued to examine my legs pointing them at the shower.

"P-prince," I stuttered, trembling as he lifted my dress higher.

He finally looked up and sensed my discomfort.

"I-i'm okay."

His eyes looked surprised at first but it began to darken as soon as he realized what he was doing. He looked at his hands on my legs and seemed to have renewed interest as he caressed it once again then looked up to see me tremble.

"Lily," he said hoarsely and rose.

"What are you doing to me?" He went closer until there was no space between us.

I blushed and backed myself to the wall which he pushed me gently against. "So innocent and beautiful," he said gently and lifted up my chin to kiss me.

It was a tender and sweet kiss. He was being so gentle with me, I almost cried.

It was perfect.


"Are you okay?" Levi asked me as he smiled, taking my hand as we walked to his private jet. "Or do you want to stay in New York for a while? I don't mind."

"No, I'm fine. I think I'd like to go back home now." I smiled back, trying to calm down my heart. His smile seemed suddenly very dangerous.

"Okay, if that's what you want." He kissed my cheek while his phone began to ring.

"Sorry, hold on." He looked at the screen and frowned. Letting go of my hand, he answered his phone quickly.

"Hello? Yes." He listened for a moment and his face suddenly looked surprised. "But why?"

"Of course not. But I thought---"

"I don't understand why she has to come with me. She's sick, right?"

He pressed his fingers against his nose bridge. "Of course. Yes. Bye."

I began to worry. Did anything bad happen? And who was the girl they were talking about? Is it who I think it is?

"Lily, I have bad news." He frowned as he touched my hand.

"Jessica is coming with us. I promise it won't be long. She'll stay with us for a few days, and I'll break it off slowly with her. She's always been so emotional and frail so I have to be a little careful with my words. You understand, right?" His eyes pleaded with mine.

I nodded but didn't like his ordeal. What if he changes his mind about me and decides to really marry her?

I shook my head. I shouldn't be thinking like this. It's just for a few days. It's just for a few days. . .

"Levi!!" A feminine voice cried.

Prince Levi and I turned around to see Jessica running to him. Jessica was beautiful, maybe a little too petite and pale but beautiful nonetheless. She had nice brown ringlets and expressive eyes. Her lips were red and full, and the sharp bone structure of her face would have anyone stop and look twice.

I felt a pang of jealousy when Prince Levi welcomed her with open arms. I turned around because it hurt to see the man I probably love hugging another woman. But it's just for a few days right?

"Who's this? Your maid?" I heard Jessica ask.

I looked at Levi and he seemed to hesitate. "Yes, she's my servant."

I felt myself slowly crumbling apart because I couldn't even be a friend, but a maid. But it's just for a few days. . .I kept reminding myself but knew it in my heart that there may be a possibility of it prolonging.

"Cool, she can help me with everything I need," Jessica said with spunk, and a little mischievously. "She's perfect for it. Now Levi, I'm tired, can I rest my head on your shoulder? Besides, we're getting married soon, I really can't wait."

I looked at Levi as he closed his eyes. "Of course," he sighed and took her hand to guide her on the plane.

I refrained the tears from falling as I regained my composure. He didn't even glance at me if I was alright. If I was okay with this. It was as if I had suddenly become invisible in his eyes.


Heart breaks and lots of drama from now on. SOrryyyyyy for everything. I hope you'll stay with me. 

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