° Chapter 32

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Sorry for the delay guys!! I have work now. 😂

Chapter 32
Levi's POV

Lily was still asleep when I woke up and not that I slept the whole night, I couldn't sleep at all, knowing she was here and that I couldn't touch her--it was fucking hell.

So I watched her sleep. I wiped her tears away. I kissed her forehead.
She was so flawless and beautiful, I could stare at her all day.

Thankfully my phone rang before I did something any more than I would regret. It showed Gavier on the screen and reality came stumbling upon me again. I pulled my hand away from touching Lily's face and stood up to lean against the window.

"Hey, what's up?"

"You tell me what's up. I've been trying to call you but I can't get a hold of you. I saw the news man, and that was shitass unbelievable."

"I had to hide for awhile Gav, yeah it's shit, don't believe it."

"How are you though? Should I worry that when we see each other again, I won't be seeing your other arm or leg?"

"Still got em, don't worry. I've got Rick at my back." I chuckled a little. Despite of Gavier's nonchalant demeanor, he still cared.

"Good. We'll be coming by soon and don't you say that you don't need any help."

"No, really Gav, I'm good. This isn't anything to worry ab--"

"Shut up Levi. We'll be visiting. We're on your side no matter what and when it's time for you to look behind your back needing for help, we'll be there. That time is now. Remember that."

The phone call was cut off before I could say anything. My hand was shaking and a swirl of emotions hit me hard making tears flow from my eyes. I had been fighting for so long, feeling frustrated and fearing of what may come or happen to those I love. I had been protecting them from the evil that permanently resides in this temporary world. I thought I was alone.

Apparently I was not.


It was time to tell Lily the truth. I could see how agitated she was, she didn't eat at all, she was just staring into space scrunching her eyebrows, thinking hard. She deserved to know and it was my duty to enlighten her yet a part of me didn't want to because of the damage it might do. It was the risk I had to take.

"Lily, come sit down," I ushered for her to come. She complied slowly and sat down beside me without giving me a glance.

"This might be shocking and unbelievable but I'm about to tell you is 100 percent real."

She nodded her head and looked at her fingers twiddling.

"Your uncle had been experimenting on people so they could be used as a weapon," I said and tried to forget the horror of what I saw and felt which I had to live through for the rest of my life. "At first he'll be brainwashing a person with drugs then put a helmet on his head where he would watch a life of a person to make him think he had experienced that person's life. In other words, the machine was made to make the person watching believe it was him who had felt what the person in the film had experienced."

Lily looked at me with a distraught composure as I retrained myself from holding her hand.

"It was tested first on adults which failed. Those who were experimented on never looked at life the same again. They either become crazy or commits suicide. It had felt so real that they thought they were the people in the film whose lives they watched. It was horrible."

"It didn't work on adults so your uncle tried to experiment on children. You were one of them."

Lily was shaking, her eyes wide in disbelief. I knew I had to stop but I needed to finish telling her what had happened.

"You were drugged, not being yourself when you were tested. The film showed the life of Hitler in 3d, making it so as if you were Hitler and the one who had manslaughtered the Jews. You were screaming in the first few hours that they had to discontinue it. When you were freed from the machine, you bolted out to me, took my pen and stabbed me with it. You were uncontrollable that they had to shoot you with a tranquilizer. The next day you didn't remember a single thing. You were tota---"

"No. No." Lily shook her head with her hands clutching hard on her hair. I reached out to her but she slapped my hand away. "No!"


"Stop it!! Levi! Stop it!!!" She screamed, jumped up and pranced to the table where the utensils are.

"Lily! Calm down!!" Panick rose in my chest as I ran to Lily's side.

"I hate it!! Stop it! Please!" She cried as she snatched on a knife, raising it above her heart.


Blood spilled on the floor as the knife clanged loudly beside me. In my arms, Lily stilled as I pleaded for her to calm down. I tried to touch her face but my slashed arm felt too heavy to lift. Lily sobbed like a child and I was too helpless to do anything.

This was the risk I had to take. The risk of making her remember.

I shouldn't have told her.

But it was too late.

I fucked up.

After what seemed like hours, Lily stopped crying and looked at me. "It's so painful Levi, so painful but yesterday when you told me you never loved me, I realized that that was even more devastating."

My heart was crying with regret. I shouldn't have said those lies.
"I'm so sorry, I was too angry, I didnt know what I was saying. I loved you, I love you, and I always will."

She carressed my face with her soft and long fingers. When it reached my lips I couldn't help but close my eyes and kiss it.

"Someday Levi...someday, this war will end and we will survive."

Lily smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. She touched my face and looked at me with so much longing. I did too. And in that short moment before she fell asleep in my arms we shared the same broken souls, the same broken hearts and the same broken promises.

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