Chapter 41

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Chapter 41


I couldn't decide whether to tie my hair up or not which I meant wrong since it wasn't really my hair. I figured I had to wear a wig because anyone who saw my red hair would know it was me. Brunette came in handy and I found myself admiring the colour.

I twirled to see my backside on the mirror and frowned at the plain girl staring right back. Should I still go? Maybe this isn't a good idea. But I want to see him. I want to talk to him and ask him how he is. I'm still hoping--hoping for a closure, whether tragic or unrealistically happy-- it didn't matter.

I held onto my chest to hold back the numb pain etching around my heart. Gosh, I terribly miss him. But what good would it do? We'll just end up hurting again.

I sighed and pulled up the sides of my cheeks to force myself to smile. If this was me months ago, I wouldn't have dreamed or even thought of doing this but after being through so much, I was positive that I believed in myself more. Love really makes you do ridiculous things.

A notification from my phone pinged and upon seeing that my cab has arrived, suddenly made me nervous. Nervous and excited.

I didn't know which I felt more.

Infiltrating the party was easy. The event manager barked orders to whoever he sees and I willingly took the task of refilling the golden trays with more food. My confidence dwindled however, when I saw how many people have gathered to mingle with the royalties.

The hall was vast and high ceilings were adorned with glittering golden chandeliers. Throes of beautifully dressed nobles danced on the empty space in the middle while the rest chattered by the bar and dined on the big and round marble tables. Everywere I looked, there was something interesting to see and surprisingly, aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

On my third tray of refilling the pasta with truffles, I noticed Levi's friend Jarvis, walking across the room laughing as he popped some chocolates in his mouth. I shook my head and smiled a little. The guy wore no shirt; only a black silk robe flowed like water across his chest and it was wide open. Silky black pants hung on his waist loosely to match his robe. His intricate tattoos were for show and he was the only one not wearing a shirt. It was hard not to notice him.

I followed him, knowing he'd know where the rest of the gang is. After a public display of affection to a familiar girl I didn't know, he bro hugged Gavier and behind Gavier finally stood Prince Levi holding some wine.

I caught my breath as I walked closer. So many thoughts ran through my mind. The countless phrases I practiced beforehand to tell him how much I still care for him all jumbled up in a mad frenzy and as I opened my mouth, I've become ineptly mute.

I stopped my tracks immediately. Levi was wearing a white tuxedo which fitted him perfectly. He looked well and was laughing at something Jarvis said. The princesses gathered around them and I wanted to take a picture of how picturesque they looked altogether. Sighing, I clicked the scene in my mind to store forever.

If love had a definition, this was it and I smiled, releived tremendously for this was more than enough that I could've asked for--a glimpse of his carefree smile.

I saw Clarianne whisper something in his ear before I turned away to leave. Gosh, I'll miss her. I'll miss all of them.

Unfortunately, Cinderalla dressed like a maid had to go. I had booked a flight earlier that afternoon to travel across the globe, the furthest I could go away from here. It must have been a subconscious thought and that I had known all along that I wouldn't be staying. It was wishful thinking for the outcome to be different.

Where is home?

At that moment I didn't know anymore. I rubbed my arms to self soothe myself as I ignored the manager's orders and left through the staff's back door. My cab was coming in two minutes and there was no time to lose.

Crying would have to come later, I sternly told myself but my tearducts apparently had different ideas. The why's infiltrated my head with unaswered questions and it was overall too overwhelming.

Why didn't he call? Why haven't I heard from him? Why does it feel like I'm insignificant to him? Why am I expecting him to still love me?

The reality hit me hard as I wiped down the tears, silently sobbing to myself. For when you finally accept that the people you love can live without you and do not need you anymore, the feeling of worthlessness overflows to the point that you even question the purpose of your existence. You can never change the way people feel about you, you can only accept it. He just doesn't care about you anymore. Lily, move on.

A cab stopped in front of me but just as I was about to step in, a hand grabbed my arm, twirling me around then swallowing me in a  warm embrace. It felt like home.

"Thank god, you're still here Lily." He was out of breath and I became too, knowing well who it was.

Gosh, writing this chapter made me a little emotional. And omg, I was finally able to continue this story. 😅 Ikr! It's been years! But here you go! It's almost the endddd.

So sorry for making you guys wait so looong and I really appreciate the people who've been waiting patiently. I mean, wth, you guys r the best! 😭

Next chapter is coming up next year!

Jk 🤪 :p. I'm working on it my loves.

Also shout-out to my current work in progress: Pens & Guns. It's about a mafia academy if you guys didn't know ;).

Stay safe ya'll! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. ❤️🤗 Virtual hugs to everyone.

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