° Chapter 30

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More updates will be coming from now on since I'm done with my tests! Voila! <3 It's my second Christmas being a writer in Wattpad too and I couldn't be more excited for the many more years to come. Hopefully, you guys will still be around. <3


Levi's POV

A week passed by quickly with my recovery speeding up as well with the aid of Deryck's medicines. Rick came by and went to do errands for me. My enemy's moving fast, pretty soon I'm sure they would find where I am and that would put Deryck in harm. I didn't want that so I left his place the moment I was able to walk. He wasn't happy with my decision but I insisted it was for the best.

For the rest of my recovery, I stayed in a nearby hotel using the name of Rick and thought hard for my plan to attack. I still needed more time and they were going to find me and hold me captive unless I have something on me that would scare them away. Being devious and still angry, I pursued a plan that wasn't of a gentleman's.

I went to see Lily.

Rick told me Lily and her sister would be shopping for clothes, though there would be many guards around it wasn't hard to disguise as one so I could be nearby. Watching Lily shop and smile like that crushed my heart over and over again. She should be worrying about me, no, even crying for me, unless she had been an accomplice all along, making me fall in love with her on purpose just to break my heart. She deserves to die. I'll hurt her till she knows what it felt like.

When she excused herself to go to the bathroom, I followed her. Her scent filled the air and it made my heart soar despite the agony I was feeling. I was near her. I could almost touch her. She was beside me. And I missed her.

But I hate her.

After coming out on one of the stalls, I pushed her against the wall, trapping her so she wouldn't get away from me. She would never be able to leave my side again. Not on my watch.

"Levi!" She gasped, her eyes wide then they suddenly brimmed with tears. "I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried you'd be hurt."


"Don't you dare lie to me again. I've had enough of your acting." I grasped her neck tightly. "You were the one who tried to kill me by throwing me to those wolves. You did this. And now you have the nerve to say that you were worried about me?"

I let go when she began choking. She was crying again, my heart cried as well but I remained composed. "I--I'm sorry. But I--I didn't---"

"Enough with the excuses, I won't hear any of it. They said I'd kidnapped you, so why don't we do the real thing?" I held her hands tight and wrapped it in plastic coil.

"You're not--no, Levi, you can't do this! They'd really kill--" I shut her mouth with my hand.

"You talk too much." I taped her mouth to stop her from speaking nonsense. They were already trying to kill me.

Quickly, I covered her with a cloak and took off my royal guard uniform. Sneakily we went out at the back door to see Rick with the black car. I pulled Lily and she was surprisingly very submissive. I pushed her in the back of the car and sat beside her.

"Let's go." I told Rick through the telecom and the car drove by unnoticed.

I pulled the cloak away from Lily and untaped her mouth. She gasped for air and bit her lip, trying to stop the tears from her eyes. I almost pitied her but then that's what she was good at, making people think she was innocent and sweet when she was a devil's spawn all along, masked with an angelic face.

"You're finally scared now? You thought I wouldn't do this to you, after what you did to me, huh?" I gave her a sarcastic smirk.

She shook her head. "No, I'm relieved."

"Relieved?" I looked at her disbelieving.

"Relieved that you're alive and angry." She smiled through her tears and there I was again, getting pulled by her charms.

I shook my head. "I'm beyond mad."

"You won't believe me anyway so I'm not going to try anymore," she said as she frowned. "Do as you like, I won't stop you."

Furiously I turned her face to me, clutching hard on her jaw and glaring at her pretty eyes. "You don't get to act this way. This is not a fucking vacation and I won't be easy on you just because now I know that you're a princess."

Her eyes was wide with shock but it quickly turned into slits. "I can act the way I feel and you can't change the way I feel inside."

"Acting like a rebel now, huh? Is this the side of Lily, I haven't seen yet?" I let go and smirked at her mockingly. "Now that your true colors are exposed, act like you feel then."

She looked away. "I feel happy and sad at the same time but what can I do to accept this fate? The only upside in this situation for me is that I get to be with you, yet I know it'll be harsh and very painful."

"At least now you know that you're a captive of your enemy, just like I was before."

"What do you mean?"

"Stop acting oblivious. We both know I was imprisoned in that academy like a slave. You were there, you should know."

"I don't," Lily replied and flinched. She touched her head and closed her eyes, scrunching her eyebrows. "My head's hurting, Levi."

"Stop acting."

"I'm not joking." She turned pale then her eyes suddenly rolled at the back of her head. I caught her in my arms, touching her cold limbs. Sweat glistened on her forehead, and seeing her up close, I saw the bags under her eyes, the dryness of her once luscious lips, and the paleness of her face. She was never okay to begin with.


I felt her forehead and frowned at the hot temperature. Why wasn't she taking of herself? How could she be so careless? Is she doing this to make me worry about her more? How devious.

"Hurry up Rick, Lily's got a fever."

"Yes, your majesty."

Lily's frail body shivered and I noticed that she indeed got thinner and this angered me even more. I held her close to provide warmth, glaring at her beautiful face.

"Levi--Levi, I'm sorry." A tear fell from her shimmering eyes making my heart soften.

I closed my eyes and relished her body snuggled in my arms. Relief coursed through my body like a fish that longed to be in the water finally got what it wanted.

"Oh Lily, what should I do with you?" I asked her, tightening my hold, knowing that I'd have to let go when she awakens.

How was that guys? Please vote and tell me what you think! <3

Same goal! 80 votes and 60 comments. <3 Luv ya! And while you wait for the next chapter, why don't you check out my new book : Fill the Gap. ;) Thank you!

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