Chapter 12

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Thanks to @inevitxble for the amazing cover up there. Sorry this was so late.


Chapter 12

Levi's POV

Light beamed on my face and I could feel the heat of the sun warming up my whole body. I remained asleep, relaxing on the plush seat of my private jet. I didn't want to wake up and remember the misery that accompanied me. Guilt was slowly eating me away, to the point where there was no return, leaving me broken, vulnerable, and miserable.

A shadow covered my face, then I felt a soft nudge on my shoulder. I blinked my eyes open to see Rick with concern etched on his face.

"Prince, are you not feeling we--"

I held my hand up. "Don't. Don't ask if I'm okay when you clearly know the answer. I deserve this, and there's nothing you can do."

He nodded as he frowned. I'm sorry Rick, but you don't understand this feeling, this feeling of being unable to breath because of the regret and guilt consuming your soul. It's like death.

"Please eat." He placed a sandwich on my hand but I pushed it against him.

"I'm not hungry. If that's all, then please don't bother me anymore." I closed my eyes, wanting him to leave but I could still feel his presence nearby.

"We will soon arrive at our destination: Princess Clarianne's castle. Please be prepared."

I nodded my head and dismissed him with my hand. He left without another word, and I was finally left alone with my thoughts. I looked outside the window and saw a little bit of myself reflected through it. I looked haggard, and a stubble had begun to form on my chin but I couldn't care less. I looked past my reflection, through the city and felt the jet slowly descending.

I hope she's alright but there's a selfish desire inside my heart wishing she isn't okay because she's not with me. Being a fucked up bastard does that to you. I want to claim her but I have a feeling that it will be very, very difficult this time.


"What do you mean, the princess isn't there? Where the fuck are they?!" I growled at the guards who quivered under my intense stare.

"The princess left two days ago and we have not heard her whereabouts, your majesty."

I exhaled a deep sigh and turned on my phone. I then scrolled through my contacts and pressed the number of the person I'd been wanting to talk to.

"Yes? This better be good Levi. I'm in the middle of a match in fencing." His voice sounded exhausted and a little irritated.

"Gavier, where's your fiance right now?"

There was a pause, deafening silence but I waited patiently. "I don't know. We had a fight and suddenly she announced that she needed a vacation. She didn't say where though. Why?"

"She took someone from my manor and I want her back. Do you have any idea where she is?"

"She disappears from time to time but I usually know where she is man, but not this time. She covered her tracks very well. What happened?"

I sighed."It's a long story and I thought you were busy beating those guys up."

He chuckled. "It's actually the other way around. I haven't been fencing and Clarianne kept popping in my head, making me lose my concentration. I've got break now so you can tell me. Spill."

I didn't feel like saying anything to Gavier because I knew it would make me uncool but he has been one of my closest friend, I ought to tell him. "To make the long story short, I fucked up. I really liked this girl but I didn't trust her and kept hurting her. I only realized how important she was to me when she left, unannounced."

"That's pretty fucked up. I hope you get her back. From what I could tell, she had probably joined forces with my fiance and that's not good. You know how Clarianne can be, she strikes back twice as hard." I could feel him smirk at the other end and it was not really helping the situation when he was sounding so proud.

I laughed anyway. "But I'm her friend, that's got to lessen the revenge right?"

"Let's hope."

"Yes, let us hope."

We said our goodbyes and he said good luck to me. I would really need that luck now.

The next person I called was Lucas and he was currently preoccupied with Nessa, probably smooching the life out of her. He didn't hear anything about Clarianne so I only had one shot left and that was Eric.

Sometimes it could be a pain to talk to Eric. For 15 minutes he spurred on about his workouts and his car without me saying a thing. It was very interesting but I found it mundane, especially at how crucial my situation was now.

"Do you know where Clarianne is?"

"I don't know man, but I heard Ria's having some people over. She didn't want me to come but I'm still going to fucking visit her anyway. Did she think she can cheat? I'm going to make that guy never see the light ever again."

I smiled as I listened to his jealous rants. "That's technically not cheating Eric when you're not even together yet."

"Whatever, she's still mine."

I thanked him for the clue and immediately went back to my jet.

"London. Princess Riallyn's palace." I said through the intercom.

"Are you sure about this?" Rick asked me.

"80% sure. She's got to be there." I put on my seat belt and stayed awake throughout the ride, planning my speech to Lily.

Clarianne doesn't want to hide her. She wants me to find her and apologize on my knees to Lily. If that's what she wants, however pathetic I will look, then that's what she'll get.


The moment we landed, I immediately hopped off, and drove a Mitsubishi that had been waiting for me to the palace. Rick followed me behind as I continued my conquest.

As I had expected, there were many guards at the gate. My name was unrecognizable to them and they didn't let me in. I waited for Rick to finish his job as I took my phone out and hacked through their security system.

The alarm went off but I jammed through it and managed to turn off the screechy sound. Many guards arrived to conquer me but Rick welcomed them with open arms. You can't fight with an ex military with bare hands. Don't mock me.

There was a text from Clarianne that took me by surprise. 'You can stop showing off now. -_- The rose garden, she's there.'

I smirked and walked on my way to the garden. It had been three days without her by my side and it had been hell. I missed her, so much.

A petite figure turned around to see me. She was wearing a white dress that accentuated her innocence and purity. Her hair was braided, and small roses were tucked in her hair. Beautiful, simply beautiful.

"Lily," my voice was hoarse, so much emotions were overpowering me, it felt like I was going to burst.

"Prince." It was a statement, no emotion was found in her voice. She looked at me like she had known I was going to come, and that I would be looking for her. She was not at all surprised but yet for a second there, I was sure I'd found remorse and anticipation but it was swept away almost immediately.

Staring back at her blossoming face, I knew she was gone. She looked well and healthy, no worry lines, no anxiety, no tears.

I tried to look for any emotion in her face, but there was none, those dead eyes looked past me, through and over me. She wasn't looking at me anymore. To her, I'm simply not there.

Dramatic much, I know. Next chappy will be on Lily's POV. I'll updateas soon as I get 60 votes. :D

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