Chapter 24

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I'm still alive guys. ;)


Chapter 24

Lily's POV

It's been a day since we arrived at a 5 story hotel. Clarianne and I were exhausted to the core as we hit the slumber. I wasn't even able to think about my plan to fix whatever threat my family's facing. But I'll find out soon. I'll do what it takes to protect my family.

We woke up early the next morning and I immediately asked Clarianne how we would take action since I didn't know what to do. It turns out, her father was here and had just become business partners with a big time Ceo. She told me we should go and ask her father if he'd heard anything about the royalty.

"Tell me about your family, Lily," Clarianne told me as she fixed her hair. I began to comb mine and looked at her through the reflection in the mirror.

"They're great. I mean they have their downs and ups but I can't think of anyone who would want to harm them," I replied worriedly.

"And you have a sister right? What's she like?"

I smiled, remembering how adorable my sister was like. "She's the sweetest sister ever."

"Seems like a great family you've got there," she complemented and smiled back at me through the mirror.


Little did I know how horrified I'd be when I learn the truth. . . 


The wind was a little harsh that afternoon, and the sky was gloomy making me feel nostalgic. I remembered when my family and I played with snow at our castle's backyard. We were simple and had fun in the littlest things. We hated complications. So why? Why do we have to be involved in such a complicated matter?

My thoughts were cut off when we arrived in front of a majestic building. I was wearing a royal blue dress while Clarianne wore red. We stepped out of the rented car and proceeded towards the building and into the elevator. 

"Do you think any of my relatives will be here?" I asked. "I need to wear my scarf then."

"Don't worry, I asked my dad if any of the royalties is coming and he said nada." She winked at me in a carefree manner.

I smiled at how she made me feel like everything's going to be alright and that there's nothing to be worried about. Unlike the nervous wreck like me, she was strong and confident. I wish I could be more like her. 

The elevator pinged and we were brought to the main hall for the formal party. There were unfamiliar and familiar faces but there were none of them that would recognize me. Thank, God. 

People bowed down to Clarianne and she did a little curtsy in return as she waved her hand like she shouldn't be treated like a princess. Sometimes, being one is truly very tiring.

"Wait, Lily, you can stay here for a little while and eat since we didn't eat much lunch. I'll go and look for my dad."

I nodded and watched her go. I immediately felt insecure and worried. Nervously I peered on the long table of food and watched as people casually take anything with their hands. My throat was dry so I went to the drinks area. I was about to get one when a hand tried to grab the same glass.

"Oh, go ahead." I pulled my hand away and looked at the person who was about to get it. My face paled as I recognized the handsome guy who kissed me forcefully on the beach.

He smirked as he took the glass, still looking at me when he drank the drink in one go. "You're the hot girl I met on the beach. I believe it's fate that we met again." He smiled flirtily at me.

I stepped back. "Sorry, but I already have a boyfriend," I said as I blushed a little. Clarianne gave me tips to turn a guy down.

"So? No woman has rejected me even if they were married but you're different." He smirked as he licked his lips.

I swallowed, he was indeed charming and all but, he's not Levi. "Then you'd just have to live with that."

I quickly left, throwing myself in the crowd of rich strangers so that he would loose sight of me. Why am I thinking of Levi now? This is not the time for this. 

I felt my heart clench as I remembered Levi kissing Jessica. Are they getting married? Are they together? Jealousy had been growing in my heart and I couldn't shake off this feeling. Sometimes I feel like breaking down and that sometimes is now. With all of the nervousness and worry, I felt like I couldn't handle it anymore. I needed to let it go. I need to let Levi go.

Desperate to get out of the hall to be alone, I wasn't looking where I was going. I carelessly bumped into someone, almost toppling over but fortunately the person was strong enough to prevent us from falling.


My heart raced as I heard his familiar voice. Why is he here?

I quickly bolted away and ran for the elevator but he was too fast. He had managed to stop the elevator doors from closing and stepped inside.

My mouth was open as I stepped back until my back was against the wall. "L-Levi, why. . .why are you here?"

"I should ask you the same thing." He glared at me and stepped forward.

"Stop, don't come any closer!" I shouted, shocking him. Anger filled me when I saw his eyes. He was angry at me and I didn't even know why. He was the one who broke me, who gave up on us, who left me after taking my heart, he had no right to be angry.

He glared harder at me and slammed me on the wall, caging my body with his. "After going through hell without you, you have the nerve to show up like an angel then tell me not to come closer?" He seethed.

"I hate you! Don't touch me! I hate you!" I shouted, struggling hard. Tears sprung out from my eyes and I couldn't stop it. I was too tired, too tired to keep up this strong facade when really I'm nothing but vulnerable. So vulnerable when it comes to Levi.

"I hate you too Lily." His voice softened as he cupped my face to tilt it up. "I wanted to forget you because you'll only get hurt if you're with me. But the more I think about how I can't be with you, the more I want to be with you. I don't care anymore, who you are, how we're wrong for each other, or even if being with you would kill my soul. I'll take every chance just to be with you. I can't stop this feeling anymore." 

I stopped struggling but tears still flowed from my eyes as I looked back at Levi who's just as miserable. He leaned closer and closed the distance by meeting my lips with his. I closed my eyes and accepted his onslaught. The way he was kissing me gently told me how much he missed me, how much he missed us.

The elevator pinged but Levi maneuvered us over so he could pull down the emergency lever to stop it from opening. He didn't even open his eyes and kept kissing me when he did this. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, tasting our tears of hurt and sadness.

I hope you guys liked this chappy. :D 

I also won't be updating in the next two weeks because of the tests and our trip. :( 

Sorry pips. :( Love ya and thank you for everything. :D

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