Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

 Lily's POV

 The moment I heard a honk, I immediately stood up and ran out of the mansion with my things. There was a young man waiting for me, making me scrunch my eyebrows in confusion as I halted my steps from going any further.

"Lily, don't worry it's me." He winked and took off his mustache, revealing Clarianne's face. "I've always wanted to disguise myself as a guy and take a princess away. Charming don't you think?" 

"Princess Clarianne!" I ran into her open arms to embrace her. Tears began to form and fall again.

"You did your best," she said as she patted my head, "It's time for that jerk to chase you now."

"Thank you for coming. I'm so honored." I told her as I smiled.

"Of course, I'll come. We're friends."

Friends. I've been wanting to hear that word.

"What are you waiting for? Let's get outta here." Princess Clarianne opened the door for me as she put back her mustache.

"Okay." I happily went in the passenger's seat. I couldn't believe the most powerful princess would do this for me and even disguise herself as a guy. She's so cool.

"So, care to tell me what happened. Levi will suffer, now that I'm on your side." She smirked and encouraged me to go on.

I told her everything and she seemed to grow more irritated, the more I told her about what happened.

"Princess? Are you alright? Don't you think we're going a little too fast?" My heart was almost going to give away by the rate we're going. 

"I'm fine, and don't call me princess, just Clarianne would be okay. It's just that. .. . that JERK!! I feel like killing him with that princess. Sorry, go on."

I laughed. It has been a while since I laughed and it felt good. It was as if I had pushed through a barrier and now I could see the clearing. 

Clarianne smiled as I began to finish telling her what had happened. Telling her felt like taking off the heaviness out of my chest. 

"I have bad news Lily. He will find us because he's crazy smart and when he gets to you, you must reject him." She took my hand as I stepped out of the car and began to guide me to the private jet.

"What do you mean? Is there any place we can go where he can't find us?" I felt the heaviness come back to my chest again. I don't want to see him  so soon.

Clarianne shook her head as she frowned. "No, he's a geek. He'll find anything, especially you but when that happens, you'll be ready."

"Ready to reject him no matter what he says or no matter how much you want him back."

I felt my heart lurch sideways as I bit my lip with worry. "What. . what if I can't?"

"Lily, he's got to earn it again. He lost your trust and love so he's back to step one. You've got to make him work his ass of for you and if he can't then he's not the one." She told me in a solemn tone and I nodded my head.

Full of thoughts, we went in the private jet and proceeded to get comfortable. Luxury really makes you spoiled.

"So, where are we going?" I looked out of the window as Clarianne just finished speaking animatedly to a stewardess about what we're having for breakfast.

"To Ria's castle. Don't worry, she's my friend and she happens to have a pretty secure home. I already told her what happened and she's happy to help a friend." She smiled towards me and handed me a banana which I took gratefully.

"Thank you for this. It really means a lot." I began to eat with gusto. Somehow, being with Clarianne brings my appetite back.

"Anything for the princess." She walloped down her own banana and began to peel for more.

I giggled at how unladylike she was and she rolled her eyes knowing what I was thinking.

"I'm too hungry to act properly and you should eat more, you lost a lot of weight." She glanced at my thin body and shook her head.

I nodded my head and we ate heartily for the next minutes as the stewardess go back and forth for more food.

Clarianne said it would take awhile for us to get to London and that I should get some sleep but I just couldn't. My mind always goes to Levi and wondered how he was handling my running away. Is he okay with it? Did he order a search? Is he mad? Or is he happy that I'm gone?

Pain constricted my heart and it was getting harder for me to breathe. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Thinking of a distraction, I opened the television and lowered down the volume because Clarianne was fast asleep beside me.  

A reporter was on the screen along with a family that was very close to me. My family.  "Right now we are at a funeral of Miss Theresa Hover, a very close servant of the royal family. The loss caused great grief, and with their daughter still missing, the Konova family is in distress."

What is happening? Theresa is dead? The person who told me to get out of my home? Who am I supposed to go to now?  She can't be dead. I still have so many questions. Why did this happen? W-why?

The screen was turned off, making me turn my head. Clarianne had taken the remote control from me without me even knowing it. 

"I was going to tell you but you had too much in your hands already. She's the person who told you to leave, isn't she?"

I nodded my head as I wiped the tears that were flowing from my eyes. She wasn't only a servant to me but a close friend and family.

"I'm sorry." Clarianne wrapped me in her arms and I buried my face on her chest to lament.

Just as I was about to feel a glimmer of hope, some dark tragedy always whisks off the spark. 

When? When will this nightmare be over? 

Sorry for the short chapter. The next one will be long, I promise. Also, I'm so sorry if the story going fast and that they seem to be already in love with each other. Just as Levi said in the other chapter, their relationship started in the wrong foot and he let their physical attraction lead it. They're not in love with each other yet, in fact, their real relationship is only about to begin. ;)

Thank you so much, and I love you! :D

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