° Chapter 27

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Good day ya'll!

^Listen to Heathens by 21 pilots, so addicting, ma gawd. *_*

Chapter 27

Levi's POV

Being a captive in the hands of the Germans was the last thing in my mind when I took Lily in my arms and decided to be with her no matter what. Not Lily, I meant Ophelia, princess Ophelia. A name so beautiful yet left a bitter taste in my mouth. I loathed that name and the person who owns it. So much. It was hard to believe.

Ever since I saw Ophelia, I knew that I had seen her somewhere. I heard of her, I talked to her, and I hated her. Her reddish hair was very familiar; a struck of the past reminded me of her yet it was different. Instead of the horror and nightmares etching in my mind, I remembered the good times, of how it could have been, of how precious the moments with people I have met then. Grateful. Hope. This was what impression she made.

But now, having learned of her real identity, having learned her conning ways to put me in prison---everything was a lie. A fucking stupid lie.

She made me fall in love with her and I was an idiot enough to believe it. How generous of me, I had never been so whipped by a woman. However, all of this will change.

She'll suffer. I'll make her suffer.

Sitting between two royal guards with my cuffs chained, I glanced at the stout driver who drove fast amidst the heavy rain. I needed to get away before we arrive at the precinct. I could have called for my lawyer and have this done in court legally but time wasn't my ally. I needed to strategize once again, reorganize my calculations, and being in prison at this moment would only worsen my already fucked up life.

Time for damn action. No need for more sappy self shit pity.

I banged the royal guard at my right side just as the car swiveled to the left, giving me more leverage. There was enough room in the car to lift my foot up just in time to knee the man at my left in the head. The man on my right tried to seize me with his arm but I surprised him by elbowing him at the part where he'd see flying angels. He howled to the moon.

The driver swore in German as his concentration fluctuated. I wrapped my handcuffs around his neck from behind and held myself strong as the two men beside me, tried to pull me away---until our car hit a big boulder.

I hit my head hard on the side of the car because of the impact. My vision was fuzzed and I could smell smoke, making me choke. I must have blacked out for a few seconds as I tried to recall what just happened. The three men who were trying to keep me captive were out cold. Why am I trying to get away again? I could have stayed and waited for my lawyer. Fuck, my head feels like exploding.

Right, I remember now...Ophelia.

Urgently, I searched for the key for the freakin handcuffs from the guards. I could feel blood at the side of my head dripping down with my sweat. At the moment, I could see clearly and feel numbness, still aware of my surroundings but I couldn't hear. Everything was a white noise, ringing like a high pitched bumblebee.

I successfully found a set of keys from their pockets, took it and went out just in time as people began to gather at the wreck of the car. I hid in the nearby dark alleyway, on the verge of throwing up and falling down. Exhausted, I rested myself at the side of the wall and breathed in deeply.

"Levi, I'll kill your family if you don't do this for me." The all too familiar nightmare began to play in my head again. No, not now. Not this again.

"I don't want to!"

"Who do you want me to kill first? Mommy? Or daddy?"

"Don't! Stop!"

"I remember you being chums with that little boy. What's his name again? Devin? Nah, that doesn't sound like it. Daniel? David? Deryck, yes Deryck. How about let's start with him first. . ."

The chains clung on the ground as I finally broke out of it. My eyes began to roll at the back of my head as I tried to concentrate on taking the phone out from my pocket. I must have hit my head hard and a concussion was highly probable in my sorry state. Shakily, I put the phone to my ear.

He answered on the second ring.

"Rick, pick me up."

"Your majesty, I saw the news, where are you right now---"

Someone hit my back with a blunt object, making me drop the phone and fall on my front. My vision blurred but the silhouette of my attacker registered in my head before falling completely unconscious.

"Levi, you fucker." Deryck had always been a whacko at hitting a person with a bat like the 90's delinquents. I considered it his mercy that it wasn't my head that he bashed. It's been a long time since I felt this grateful.

Yo pips, same goals. The next chapter might be, I repeat, might be the story behind all of the hatred between these royal families. Still working on it and trying my best for it be absolutely fab. Thnx guys for keeping up with me and sorry this was a little short. I'll try to make it longer for the next one. ;)

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