° Chapter 33

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A/N So sorry for updating after a century. Had to do things and not to mention my retarded writer's block. I've got the whole story laid out already, don't worry. :D I'll definitely finish this story.^^ Thank you so much for bearing with my noobness. And wow, thank you 4.4k followers!

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L e v i


Guilt. It was like a black hole waiting to swallow me and drown me into abysmal darkness. At times like these, when agony has surged through my entire being, I thought of doing bad things to myself-thought of ending it at once.

Do you hear the cries and screams of the people who died because of you? Why are you still alive? After all the torture and pain you caused-just who are you to surmount such feat?

No one. Nobody. Just a fool.

"I'm sorry." My voice was frail, my throat parched and painful, but not painful enough.

Never enough.

Her white slender dress, innocent face of pearly white teeth and hypnotizing green eyes. I always thought of her, my thoughts always consumed by her. I tried to stop but somehow it always came back to her and memories start to linger. She's my inamorata, the heat to my cold, the drug to my sleep, the fresh air to my blackened smoke. She was after all the only princess I fell in love with. But she didn't even remember me.


'Levi, do you like being smart?' Lily asked as we dipped our feet in the lake.

'No, I don't like it.' I looked past the pasture then frowned at her blatantly.

'Why? I think it's cool.'

'It's not as cool as you think'

'Uncle said you sometimes do very stupid things for someone so smart'

'Do I?' I tried not to think about my friends' whose lives were taken because of me but couldn't help it. The thorn in my heart lurched painfully. 'I think I do.'

'I got mad at uncle. He doesn't understand anything.'


'Because I don't like it when someone talks bad about you. You're the coolest person I know...You're the smartest person in the world.'

I looked at her with a stunned look on my face. How could she...how could she be so cruel?

We were supposed to be enemies. We were supposed to be on each other's necks. We were supposed to be hurting one another. His uncle killed my friends and he's training me like a robot whose mission is to help him create the chaos that he so desired.

'Levi, do you love me?' She glanced at me shyly and twiddled with her small fingers.

I thought for a moment. 'Yes. Yes, I do.'

'Then promise me, I'll be the only princess you'll ever love,' she blurted out her selfish desire.

I nodded and smiled.

'Yay!' She jumped up and twirled around in gaiety.



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