* Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

(A/N+Will tell you when to play the music ;)+)


Chapter 38


I remembered mostly everything.

The academy. The helmet. The fire.
And Levi was in all of it.

That's right...Levi...where is he?

Where am I?

I was floating in a room where nothing could be seen but utter darkness. My uncle suddenly appeared, his mouth frowning as he struggled to light up a cigarette with his hand. The lighter wouldn't spark a fire, no matter how many times he flicked it. Frustrated, he snarled and looked up at me.

"Lily, darling, let me borrow your lighter."

"But-but I don't have---"

"You have one right there." He pointed at my hand and sure enough there was a small lighter in my hand. It felt cold to the touch, like icicles of morning snow.

He held out his hand and feeling chilled from the lighter, I gave it to him.

"Good girl." He successfully lit up his cigar and took a long whiff.

"Where are we uncle? Aren't we supposed to be somewhere else?" I looked around for an exit but the darkness seemed endless.

"What are you talking about? Everything's over. We executed our plan flawlessly."

"I don't understand." I looked down but realized there was nothing to look at but my lonely feet. "Are we at the bottom of a pit?"

"No Ophelia," he answered, shaking his head as he took another whiff, "this is a strange dream you conjured in your mind to lessen your guilt. It's funny how you'll still help your evil uncle even in your dreams."

I scrunched my eyebrows, trying to interpret what he was saying. "Why wouldn't I? You're family."

He chuckled, throwing the butt of his cigar to nowhere; it floated in the dark air like a firefly and continued to spark a small light. "Levi," he said as if the name tasted bitter in his mouth, "Levi, just who is he to you that you'll carelessly throw your life away just to save him?" He stepped closer as I stepped back.

For some reason, the way he was looking at me made me feel as if I was in imminent danger.

"You remember everything I taught you, what the machine taught you—how villains are created, how people won't understand why bad people like us are born and what it was like for us to live in this miserable world. You remember don't you? I made you watch the films countless of times and made you feel it from the sensors of that chair—I wanted you to feel what it felt like to be like us." He smiled cynically. "You understand don't you? How cruel I have to be to get what I want."

I shook my head meekly, my hands quivering. "You're scaring me uncle. What do you want?"

"What I want?" He sneered and tilted his head up whimsically. "Is to have my life back. But because of Levi, that bastard, I have to go into hiding. That kid has to die by my hands. I'll kill him."

"Why? Why do you have to do this uncle? He dies, then what—you'll still be a criminal. Why can't you just move on and be happy?"

He glared at me as I whimpered. "I—I didn't mean to—sorry."

"Dearest Ophelia, you insult me by your foolishness. I gave up happiness a long time ago when I realized that I can't have everything I want. For example, your father took the crown from me, he took the power—it was given to him on a platter for godsake. But how about me?" He reached out to my cheek and caressed it with his cold hand, making me shiver.
"What's left for me? You see, I yearn to make something of myself but to do that I may have sold myself to the devil."
He then put his hands on my shoulder quite forcefully, making me unable to move.  "You probably don't understand what I'm talking about right now because that Levi is still in your fucking head. He's messing with you." Suddenly, his hands wrapped around my neck making it incapable for me to speak. "Stick to the plan Lily. Stick to the fucking plan!"

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