° Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Lily's POV

I must have gotten a fever. There was a wet cloth on my forehead when I woke up and Levi was sleeping on a chair beside the bed. He looked so peaceful and beautiful it hurts. I missed him so much.

Carefully, I sat up and reached to his face to touch his soft skin, cupping his tender and cold cheeks with intense longing. But just a second later, his hand caught mine and his arrogant eyes flew open to glare at me.

"What do you think you're doing?" Blazing eyes and demanding tone swallowed me back. I gasped and pulled my hand away.

"Nothing." I looked away as I muttered.

"Don't forget that I'm your kidnapper, your life is in my hands so don't do anything foolish."

You're acting like a fool. You know I'm not lying. You know I'm innocent. You know that I'm on your side. So why? Why are you punishing me? Is it because you can blame anyone else but yourself?

"I won't so I hope you won't too."

"How kind of you to warn me, but I'm the one in charge here." He stood up, sneering, "It's still early, catch some sleep, we'll talk again later and I expect you to be alert."


Upon hearing my response, he left, banging the door in the process.

He's mad. So mad at himself for doing this. So mad at himself for acting this way. So mad at himself because he couldn't admit that he was wrong.

I need to do something.

I need to save him.


Breakfast was delicious and there was so much food but I didn't have an appetite. This made Levi frown and he was almost force feeding me.

"One more, you need strength. You look like a chicken without feathers." He bumped the spoon with viand on my lips and I slowly opened my mouth to take it in.

"I'm really full," I stated, covering my mouth.

"You will finish this bowl and that's an order." Another spoonful of food was shoved in my mouth and I almost choked. Levi handed me a glass of water and I downed it quickly.

"I can't anymore, please."

Levi rolled his eyes and grumbled. "Fine, but tomorrow, expect to eat twice as much as you did today."

It was my turn to grumble. I glared at him and he smirked back. This small moment somehow felt like how it was before when we weren't fighting when we weren't broken.

Levi frowned as if realizing something then looked away. "What do you know?" His tone changed into something serious and senile. "What did your father tell you?"

I told him what my father told me and the whole time he was listening intently, a knit at the middle of his forehead forming and I had a really bad urge to gently soften it away.

"So your father wants me dead coz he thinks I killed your uncle?" He chuckled. "Guess what, your uncle's alive and he made an order to kill me."

"What?" I gasped at the shocking news. "That can't be..."

"The burnt body could have been his bodyguard and he planted his accessories on him to fake his death when in reality he was having fun scheming something evil like he always did."

"But why?"

"To be king."

My eyes widened at his answer. A flash of my past envisioned in my mind as I tried hard to recollect.

Beautiful sunshine. Pretty flowers. Laughter. Smiles. Giggles. Holding hands. Then suddenly a helmet put on my head.

"It's going to be okay my Lily. You're a good girl right?"

"Yes, uncle." I giggled.


Black. It was all black.

"Remembered anything yet?"

"Just a little bit. Ugh, my head hurts." I touched my temples to gently massage them.

"There was a project, a confidential one," Levi said, "And you were part of it."


I was put in my room before I could persuade him more to tell me what the project was. His mouth was glued and I couldn't open them no matter how I tried. He wore an expressionless facade and his eyes were bleak with dark thoughts. I couldn't read him at all. All I know that it must have been really bad and traumatic for him.

Sighing, I went out of the manor and walked around the garden to free my thoughts.

There were red lilies everywhere but there was one pink lily amongst them.

I was about to pick it up when another hand snatched from me. "Look at this lily, Ophelia. Is it different?" Levi asked me.


"I thought so too. I thought you were different but I was wrong." He unpeeled the lily's petals and true enough the insides were red.

"It's still the same as the others inside, only the exterior was in disguise. This is like you, deceiving, manipulating, cunning--"

"That is not true." I denied.

"It is true and I hate it. I hate it so much that I want to crush this lily into pieces." He swallowed the lily with his hand and dropped it on the ground.

The broken lily flew astray, and everywhere, piece by piece, just like my heart.

"I wished we had never met and that you didn't exist. I don't love you anymore, in fact, I probably never did." His eyes blazed with a cloud of darkness over them.

I held my emotions inside, trying to feel like stone but when he left like he did all the time, tears flowed incessantly from my eyes. When? When will this heartache heal and be over?

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