Chapter 21

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I'm updating early because I'm cool like that. ;)

I also have a surprise later in the chapter. xD


Chapter 21

Lily's POV

 Tears fell from my eyes as I embraced my sweet sister. Gosh, it's been so long. I missed her so much.

"Ophelia, we were so worried about you. W-we thought. . .we thought---"

I tightened my embrace around her waist to make her stop talking. I didn't want to know what they thought about my well being. It was selfish of me to not let them know but it's my way of protecting them and I'd do anything to keep them safe.

"I'm okay now. You can stop worrying about me," I told her softly then pulled her at the side. I hope no one noticed us and figured out my real identity.

"What, wh-why?" Her questions were muffled through her sobs.

"I don't know where to start Melissa but you have to trust me," I looked at her seriously in the eye,"Somebody is on us and I have to leave because it's dangerous. It's dangerous when I'm home."

"Why don't we tell dad and mom about it? Mom's always crying every night and dad, he--"

I covered her mouth because I didn't want to hear the rest of it. My heart could no longer take any of this. I wanted to go home but there's a threat that wasn't allowing me. In my heart, I knew that things would get worse if I ever go back.

"Promise me, Melissa. Please don't tell anyone about this meeting. No one should know my whereabouts, no matter what happens. They can't know I'm the missing princess from Germany," I said as I pleaded with my eyes. 

She nodded her head as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand. "Will you be okay though? When are you coming back?"

"I don't know but I hope it's soon. Please be careful for me and tell mom and dad to calm down."

"I don't understand, Ophelia. Why do you have to be away?" She complained.

"Melissa, I'm your sister, trust me," I said solemnly and as strongly as I could.

"Y-you changed," she responded, "everything's different about you."

"There's a lot of things that happened." My eyes softened at her frightened look. It must be scary for her to see how I'm talking to her right now. 

I kissed her forehead as I closed my eyes. "I did change but I still love you."

There was a sudden booming sound and cheers filling in the air, announcing the end of the games. I hugged my sister one last time, giving her a few more consoling words before leaving to get back to my new found friends. I hope my sister doesn't tell anyone.

The girls were frowning when I saw them as were the boys. So none of them won?

"I wonder who the hell is that guy? He's fucking smart," Princess Livana sneered as she wiped the dirt on her face. 

"He doesn't have cookies, I don't like him," Princess Ellaria said as she frowned.

"And what's up with the mask? Why is he hiding himself? I bet he got a head-start since he was with Mr. Wales' little son." Clarianne crossed her arms as she scrunched her eyebrows.

"I don't think so Clarianne. You know how fair Mr. Wales is, he's very strict about the rules and he would certainly want anybody to win fair and square," Nessa countered.

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