√ Chapter 3

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Not much to say except enjoy! :)


Chapter 3


I couldn't finish my stacks of work. My mind was perturbed by a certain redhead who called me a jerk. I wouldn't deny it; I was being an asshole.

"Mrs. Bennet, I believe you're tired. Why don't you ask another person to give me my food instead?"

"It's okay, your highness. Lily begged me to not make her come here. She can be very persistent and stubborn."

So that's her name: Lily.

"Your highness, may I ask why you want to see her?" Her eyebrow was raised in suspicion.

"No. I was just wondering if she's okay. She did faint the last time."

"She's good, your highness. If I can voice my opinion, she's a little distracted ever since she arrived."

"Well, continue watching her. I certainly hope she's not a spy."

"Yes, your highness, I will."

I quickly dismissed her and found myself thinking about the redheaded girl once again. The phone rang for about three times until I answered it.

"Levi, this is your father," a gruff voice said at the other end.

"What is it, dad?"

"Well, have you found a suitable bride yet?"

I inwardly groaned at my nagging parents who are very eager to have a grandchild. Why don't they just adopt one?

"No, dad, as I've said I don't want to get married. I'm only twenty-four. What's the rush?"

"I'm the rush. My body is deteriorating and your mother and I are afraid we will not see our grandchildren before we go."

"Dad, you still go to the gym and I'm pretty sure mother is still cooking dishes and managing her favorite bakery. There's nothing to be afraid of."

"You're getting married whether you like it or not. In fact, your mother has already found a beautiful, and suitable wife for you. You remember Princess Jessica, your childhood friend?"

I paled at the thought of marrying Jessy. "That's like marrying my sister!" I exasperated, almost puking at the act of gruesome incest.

"I don't think so, Jessica was elated to hear it. She happily accepted and is now on her way to your manor. I expect you guys to plan the wedding already and have a baby on the way."

"Father, this is preposterous! I cannot accept this! Why have you not to--"

"My word is final. You will marry Jessica."

The phone went dead and I cursed. The fuck is wrong with these selfish and manipulative parents?

Jessica was like my little sister, I remembered taking a bath together for god sake; I couldn't possibly marry her. Why did she agree? Maybe, she was forced to do it. Yeah, that's right, she cannot possibly really want to marry me. She said, she hates nerds and I am one, only a hot one.

I stood up and opened a bottle of wine. I drank my frustrations away, thinking of ways to break my marriage. The only solution I could think of was finding my own bride: someone who wouldn't complain because I wasn't giving her enough attention, or tell me not to use my computer.

My thoughts came back to the redhead and I wondered what she was doing now. Groggily, I straggled downstairs. The servants have left for the Christmas holiday. Did she leave as well?

My question was answered when I heard noise in the laundry room. I opened the door and there she was, sitting on a pile of clothes, and folding them. For some reason, I liked the thought of her folding and washing my clothes. She should do it for me every time.

Her beautiful eyes widened at the sight of me and she covered her mouth with a cloth that looked so much like my boxers. Fucking adorable. Why is she so damn cute suddenly?

"Your highness!" She quickly stood up. "I-I'm s-sorry for c-calling y-you a j-jerk. Pl-please do not fire m-me." She stuttered cutely.

I smirked, thinking how I can make her tongue-tied. I strode forward, still smirking, and she staggered back, her breathing quickening.

"Y-your highness?" She hit the wall and she hugged herself looking at me like a scared cat.

"Lily." Saying and knowing her name felt good. It had a certain ring to it, of pleasant memories in the past.


The alcohol was getting into my system, and it wasn't good for a man's hormones, especially when there's a beautiful girl holding his briefs in front of him.

I put my hands on her hips as she gasped, dropping my boxers, then I lifted her up and put her on top of the washing machine. She was as light as a feather and as soft as cotton. Why does she have to be so perfect?

"Prince!" She tried to get away but I held her in my arms, embracing her.

"Shhh. . .no more talking."

She relaxed after a while and I let myself fall on her soft chest, laying my head against the nape of her neck, and inhaling her beautiful scent.

"You smell really good." She was intoxicating and somewhat familiar.

"H-have you been drinking?"

I looked up at her and smiled. "Yes."

She studied me for a moment, then slowly touched my hair cautiously. Tentatively, she touched my face then gasped as she felt my forehead.

"Oh my god, you're so hot!"

"Yep, I know," I said cockily.

"No, I don't mean that w-way. We should get you to bed." She tried to push me off but I wouldn't budge.

"But this position is comfortable," I whined like a child.

"No, prince. Get off me or I'll get mad."

I frowned. I didn't want Lily to get mad at me. I slowly disentangled myself from her and she jumped off the washing machine afterward.

"Where's Mrs. Bennet?"

"Out for holiday. Merry Christmas!" I laughed. Why is everything suddenly so funny?

"Oh no! How about the others?"

"Out for holiday. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!" I shouted like a jolly man then laughed afterward.

"You're crazy."

I looked at her and took her hand. "Crazy, indeed." I was supposed to kiss the back of her hand but kissed her palm instead. "Oops. That went the wrong way." I swayed at the sight of her red face and she caught me just in time.

"We're going to your room." She said with conviction.

"And do naughty stuff?" I asked hopefully. Man, I feel like I need to get laid.

"N-no!" She stuttered. "We're going to sleep."

"Together?" That sounded so much better.

She sighed and took my hand which I noticed fit perfectly with her long and slender fingers.

I had no choice but to follow her, but I wouldn't have it either way.


XD I hope you guys liked this chappy. Eager to know what happens next? If I get 60 votes quickly, I'll update faster. ;)

Thanks guys and luv ya!

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