Chapter 19

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Sorry, this was a little late, I had to go to an event and was too exhausted to write afterwards. BUt here it is anyway. ;) Don't forget to listen to Roses by Chainsmokers. <3 Luv them.


Chapter 19

Lily's POV

"Are you all ready for the next game, your majesties?" The emcee asked and got cheerful replies in return. "The next game is very similar to the guessing game. There will be two rows of chairs which will be facing each other," the ground opened once again, turned and revealed two rows of chairs, facing one another. "Two players from each team will sit facing each other. One player will be guessing a sentence that will show on the screen behind them. The other player will act out the sentence with their body. Whoever guesses the sentence first will earn a point. Press the buzzer, only if you're sure about your guess. Whichever team gets three points wins."

"Ria, you'll be guessing the sentences and Lily, do your best to act them out," Clarianne told us with a solemn face. The only thing she could tell us was to do our best since we had no idea what the sentences would be like.

"We will," I said as determined as I could. To not be distracted, I'd just have to prevent myself from looking at Levi. Besides, concentration on this game is mandatory; I'd be busy trying to win.

"Damn it, Eric's joining?" Ria grumbled under her breath and clenched her fists. Oh no, is there bad blood between them?

The boy Eric looked at us before sitting down. He had that silly look on his face, almost like laughing. Ria gave him the bad finger in return to shut him up but he just laughed louder and blew her a kiss.

"Is everyone seated?" The emcee asked and we replied our yesses. "Since the audience might shout the sentence, we'd have to shut them out." Tall glasses suddenly shot up from the ground surrounding us,"we don't want anyone spoiling the fun, now do we?" I looked through the glass to see the audience shouting but we could only hear silence.

"Now, commencing the second game, 3. .2. . 1. . ... Go!!" There was a beep and the sentence showed up on the screen.

I love my parents.
Okay that should be easy. I immediately put a pinky on my chest to represent the "I". Ria nodded understanding, as she mouthed "I". Next, I shaped my hands like a heart then palmed my chest for "my". Ria was fast to get it. Now this is the tricky part, I couldn't think of anything except cradling my arms to represent the mother. She mouthed baby but i shook my head and pointed at me as i cradled my imaginary baby.

I could feel someone watching me and immediately glanced at Levi whose eyes were as dark as the night. I shivered a little at their intensity. What are you thinking about, Levi?

I immediately turned and saw Eric acting out a mother who's giving birth. Oh my god.

I returned my attention back to Ria who mouthed mother. I nodded my head and out of panic because of the tickling time, I flexed my biceps to represent the dad. Thank god, Ria got it. I quickly connected the two together and emphasized the one. She mouthed "family" but I shook my head. I embraced myself and finally she got it, I wasn't sure how since I was a bad actor.

"I love my parents," she shouted after buzzing.

"1 point for team 6!"  

"Take that Levi," Ria said and stuck her tongue out at Eric who looked defeated.

There was a small fire that ignited in Levi's eyes and from then on we were all goners. Ria, you shouldn't have challenged the nerd!

I was just about to act the next sentence when we heard a buzz.

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