Chapter 23

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Another update for my lovely readers. <3


Chapter 23

Levi's POV (yep, that's right. ;)

 "We're here, your majesty." Rick opened the car door for me and I stepped out. 

"Is anybody following us? You seem to be a little jittery as if someone's going to pop up and shoot us anytime," I commented. Rick had been tensed since we boarded my private jet.

"There's no need to worry, your majesty. Nobody is following us and nobody knows you're here."

"So, what's the problem?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows together as I entered the house I just recently bought under a bogus name.

"We know who's the missing princess of Germany. She's the eldest--"

I raised my hand up for him to stop. I didn't want to fucking know. 

"I'm not interested, you can drop the investigation altogether."

"But your majesty, she--"

"Stop," I snapped, cutting him off, "I don't need to know unecessary things."

His eyes widened as he nodded. I clenched my fists and proceeded towards my bedroom. I'm not going to think about it because I simply can't.

I made myself busy for the next few hours, thinking of ways to completely destroy him, destroy them. I will never forgive them. And I have to do this before they kill me.

I heard a sudden gunshot which made me bolt upward immediately. Damn it, it hasn't even been a day yet and they already know that I'm here. I took my gun from my bag and glanced at my computer to see who's been intruding in my new house. 

A black haired devilish male smirked back at me in the camera before shooting it to loose my vision of the perimeter. Fuck, why the hell is he here?

I quickly went to the door when I heard footsteps as I held my gun up. Good thing, Rick trained me ever since I was young. The touch of the gun and the thrill of shooting hasn't quite left my system yet. 

The door opened and I hid behind it before pushing it back hard and shooting through the door. There was no sound, no lump of a body had fallen, no footsteps, and I knew immediately that he had managed to get away before he got hit which means--- Bang! Bang! Bang!

I quickly dived away from the door and rolled on the ground just as gunshots fired, burning holes through the thin wall which I had been against just a second ago.

I went behind a couch as the shooting began to continue then slowly, I slid my hand to the side to see my attacker through the glass of my watch. I began to shoot him quickly with my arm above the couch, accurately shooting him with just looking through the glass of my watch. But as usual, the smartass like me threw himself at the side and pushed the table down to shield himself.

The shooting continued as we tried to outwit the other, occasionally going out of our shields. 

"You do know that this is not going to work Levi," my ex-best friend said. He chuckled deeply and I knew the goon was smirking.

I smirked back, missing the thrill. It's been so long.

"Then stop doing childish things. We both know guns are but toys," I replied, chuckling a little.

He laughed harder, behind the strong marble table. "Which is why I brought this. Surprise."

I heard a thump in front of me and saw a small bomb drop just at my feet. Since I was crouching down, I managed to kick it through the window where it exploded in the air. The booming impact destroyed my windows and made my ears ring.

"What the fuck?! You trying to kill yourself too?" I finally stood up and faced him as I pointed my gun at him.

He stood up as well, pointing his gun back at me. "I knew you were quick enough," He smirked, his eyes glinting with mischief. "You're Levi, the fuckin' genius."

"Why are you here, Deryck?" I demanded, rolling my eyes. "You already have what you fucking want."

"Welcoming you back to Germany my dearest friend." He smiled sarcastically then glared at me. "I should be the one asking that question. Why the fuck are you here Levi? You're not exactly loved by the people here. Our countries, Canada and Germany haven't been on good terms since World War I, you know that, so why come here?"

"It's none of your business," I replied as I glared at him.

He looked a little shocked but composed himself quickly. He then held his hands up and dropped his gun on the ground. "I see, still keeping secrets. You never change Levi." He turned around, not caring if I shoot him or not because he knew I wouldn't.

"Some things are best being kept hidden." I sighed as I dropped my arm at the side. 

He stopped by the door. "Years I've known you, Levi. Heck, we're even so-called childhood friends, yet to this day, I still don't understand you."

"You don't need to understand me but know that what I do is because of a reason. A reason to protect those who are important to me."

"Always the hero Levi. Always the hero." He chuckled as he left.

I slid down on the floor and looked at my shaking hands. It's been years since Deryck and I saw each other. I held my head and closed my eyes as my past began to haunt me again. Not this again.

"Hey, you're Levi, right? People don't like you but I think you're really cool. I want to be your friend." A little black-haired boy smiled at the little me.

My eyes grew wide. "You. . you want to be my friend?"

"Didn't I just say that?" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "You're just joking. You have some trick you're probably hiding from me. I know guys like you, mischievous. Little devils. "

"No, just me. Deryck," he shook his head, still smiling, "Deryck Evermore, that's me. No tricks, just me." 

I smiled back at my newest friend.

I laughed, looking at how the way things are right now. I always had to be up on my toes just to survive his vengeful assaults. He could never forgive me, and I could never forgive myself as well. 

I stood up to see the damage that he had done, hoping that Rick is still alive. 

I hope you guys liked this chapter. There's a little action there. ;)

Same goal: 80 votes and 70 comments. I <3 u pips!

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