• Chapter 2

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I'm glad some of you are still with me. >.< Thanks for the nice comments. I'm glad so far you guys are liking it. xD


Chapter 2


Floating. Wherever I lay, it's the softest silken satin or mattress I have laid on in what felt like forever. I could tell it was plushy and luxurious—similar to my Lucullan chamber. Oh how I miss my haven where the most interaction I had with people were in the books I read. Furthermore, there wasn't a tyrant named Prince Levi in it either.

I slowly opened my eyes. Bright rays of sunlight made me blink for a while as my vision adjusted.

"Dear, Lily, I thought you'd never wake up." Mrs. Bennet rushed to my side and felt my forehead.

I opened my mouth to speak but it was too parched. "W-Wat-ter." I managed to croak.

She quickly rushed to get some, and, with my sore body, I sat up on the soft bed. My surroundings swirled for a split second before I became lucid and realized that I was put in one of the VIP guest rooms.

I wish there were such a thing as VIP servants in the socialite. Maybe, I'll get to stay in a much better room like this.

My thoughts were interrupted by my nemesis. Even in the world of maids and servants, there was a competition in who's better or who can catch the attention of the royalties. Life is truly full of conflicts.

"If it isn't Ms. Disaster slut. You sure know how to play with the Prince," Brenda sneered as she came in the room with her cronies.

"You think you have the Prince wrapped around your little finger just because he carried you, but no, dear Lily, he detests you because you're an imbecile. Do us a favor, and just get the hell out of here."

The prince carried m-me? How embarrassing!

I might have flushed red, but as much as I would like to speak, which would lead to me stuttering stupidly- my mouth was still too dry.

"Oh, are you mute now? Or you're too scared to talk to me?" She laughed along with her friends.

"This week, if I still see your ugly face around, I'm going to make your stay here and make you wish you were never born. The prince is for me to seduce, even if I become his mistress only, it's better than being his servant. I don't need anyone getting in my way." She glared at me one last time and I trembled under her gaze.

Nobody has ever threatened me before. Wow, it's pretty scary.

"Goodness! What's happening here?" Mrs. Bennet came to the rescue. My body sighed in sight of her.

"Oh, we're just asking how she is. We were very worried about her, Mrs. Bennet," Brenda lied.

"How nice of you young ladies. Now you may go; we still have a lot to clean. This manor is as big as a castle. I'd be happy if you guys helped out."

"Of course, Mrs. Bennet. We'd do anything to please you and the Prince." They did a little curtsy and left.

"How lovely, that Brenda is. She certainly is beautiful." Mrs. Bennet smiled as she gave me a glass of water.

I just nodded slowly. Brenda was indeed gorgeous, with long curly blonde hair that cascaded down to her hips, blue eyes that sparkled like fresh water, and an hourglass figure that would probably have suitors drooling.

I drank the water and felt relief down my throat. "Thank you."

Mrs. Bennet smiled down at me and kissed me on the forehead. "You did well to earn this job. Now, rest well."

I laid back down as she tucked me in the heavenly bed. When my eyes closed, I instantly drifted to dreamland.


"Lily, Lily!" Someone shook me awake.

"Mrs. Bennet," I gasped when I saw her looking frantically down at me.

"I need your help. The prince has been acting cranky lately. He's been asking for a lot of things, and I don't think I can run up the stairs one more time. My poor legs! I don't trust the other servants to go to the Prince's chamber, except you."

I sat up slowly. "I can do it."

"Thank you, my angel. Here, deliver this towel to him." She handed me the towel and I stood up to fix up my dress and wash my face as she left muttering complaints under her breath.

I stared back at the girl in the mirror. You can do this. It's just a towel.

Cautiously, I ran up the stairs and knocked on the prince's mahogany boulder. There was no reply so I knocked again. What if he slipped and broke his neck? I wouldn't forgive myself if I had not saved his big arrogant head in time. Worriedly and without waiting for another second, I barged into his room.

"Prince?" I looked around anxiously. Nothing suspicious or out of place. Overreacting seemed to possess me these days.

"Yes?" His deep voice made me turn to my right. He had just come out from what I assumed was the bathroom... and he was very wet.

I screamed and clamped my mouth shut right away. He was just wearing a towel covering his waist and down below. I've never seen a guy so naked before, only in my imagination as the description dictates in books. Seeing it in reality makes it a different story.

"S-sorry, y-your highness. I-I---"

He smirked, looking amused. "Why? You've never seen a guy naked before?"

I looked down at the floor and shook my head.

"How innocent." He chuckled, "Come closer; I need another towel."

Trembling, I cautiously stepped closer handing the towel to him at an arm's length.

"Now, now, you're not even going to my direction. How can you hand it to me, if you're not looking at me?"

I looked up at him with one eye and found that he was no longer where he had been a while ago. Quickly, I looked to my right and left but he wasn't there.

"Boo!" A voice surprised me from behind.

I shrieked and jumped away like a clacking chicken while he laughed at my reaction. I was still kind of freaking out; hugging myself for comfort when he stepped forward, and the towel that was covering his waist fell on the floor making me scream again. I closed my eyes and covered them with the towel, hearing the chuckling come closer. I felt the towel being pried from me but I held on it, afraid to see him naked. He tugged again but I held it harder for the sake of my life.

"You're not going to give it to me, huh?"

I shook my head.

"Hmmm. I can do this all day, but I'm actually feeling cold being naked so you better give me that towel."

I shook my head again and stepped back.

"No, no. You're not running away from me."

I suddenly felt myself being pulled into his strong arms, making me let go of the towel and come face to face with his broad chest. "Now look what you've made me do. You made me embrace you naked."

I almost fainted as I bolted from his arms. He let go easily as he snatched the towel from me.

Closing my eyes, I felt an unfamiliar anger bursting through me. "Y-you're a j-jerk!!"

Realizing what I'd just said, I clamped my mouth with my hand and rushed out of his room.

Oh my god, I just called the Prince a jerk. I'm so going to get fired now.


Hahaha! I hope you guys liked this chapter. Share with me your awesome thoughts please. xD

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