Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Levi's POV <3

This is cruel.

How could she be so beautiful and just leave me like that? I watched as her figure run back deeper in the forest as I struggled to get off the quicksand. Eventually I gave up and waited for the game to end. I was 100 percent sure we wouldn't win this one. The girls had too many things up their sleeves and we couldn't do anything but fall straight into their cunning traps.

Life is really cruel.

"Levi! HAhahhahah! Why are you stuck there? You look hilarious!" I didn't have to turn to know that it was Jarvis laughing at my pathetic self. I think my ego is gone.

"Jarvis, a little help would be nice," I groaned and raised my arms.

He laughed some more before pulling me up. "Hahahaha! I should have called Gavier and the others so they could see you. It's so damn funny."

"Thank god you didn't." I'm sure they'll laugh over me and that's not really something I would enjoy unlike this crazy fucker here.

"Calm down, Jarvis." I swung my arm around his shoulder to tackle him a little. I did miss this guy but sometimes he could be really annoying.

"Hahahaha! I can't stop. Hahahaha!" He laughed harder, showing his canines which was longer than the supposed human's length. Sometimes he reminds me of a beast.

"How's Anastasia by the way?" I asked him.

He smiled warmly. "It's good but she sometimes confiscates my bombs." He laughed once more and I did too.

"She's just worried about you." I let go of him and began to shake off my pants to get rid of the mud. 

"Yeah, I know. She's worried about me, she loves me," he said it so casually that it made me laugh harder.

"And you like the new girl." He pointed at me as he smirked.

I looked at him stunned but composed myself quickly and smirked back.


There was no use denying it. I probably felt more than like for her but let's just stop at that. I needed to get my shit together first. With my haunting past and powerful enemies that wanted to crush my every bone and soul, it was probably best if I didn't come near her. She might get involved and it would kill me if she was hurt.

I flinched as my heart heaved. I can only hope for the best for the both of us. At least for now she's safe, she's safe when she's far away from me. Please let it be this way since I don't think I can stop myself from being with her if she comes back to me.

Jarvis pulled me out of my constricting thoughts by shouting that the girls had won. I smiled a little since they deserved it. I backed out for the last game since I wasn't feeling good. I wasn't able to sleep well because of the nightmares that kept haunting me. 

I sat on one of the chairs, massaging my temples to ease my raging headache. Sighing, I closed my eyes then envisioned the scene that I tried so much to forget.

"I thought you were my friend. Why are you doing this?" Deryck asked with a distraught look on his face. 

"Why did you ruin my parents? I hate you! You're a monster!" He screamed at me as tears fell from his eyes.

I just stood there, feeling numb as he began to throw things at me with the other boys.

"MOnster!" The other boys cried and glared at me. "Monster! MOnster!" 

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