• Chapter 9

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Two updates in one day?! You guys should give me some extra credit and comment more, please. xD

Thank you my awesome readers for keeping up with me!


Chapter 9


The prince was crankier and moodier than ever. I couldn't look at him, part of it was because of blaming myself and part of it was blaming him. That night, Brenda cuddled with me and she told me a lot of funny stories. She made me feel so much better and felt closer to her.

"The young maids should clean all the bathrooms!" He bellowed like he was on his period. I cringed at his tone and sighed.

"What happened to him? I thought he was happy with Princess Jessica?" The maids began to question and Brenda would look at me as if I was the answer.

"Don't look at me like that Brenda." I hit her lightly on the shoulder.

"Because it's true. Ever since that day, he became a merciless tyrant and it's not funny. I think you guys should talk." She crossed her arms and eyed me suspiciously.

"I don't want to. I can't even look at him in the eye," I told her honestly.

Every time we passed by each other I would look down and scurry away. If I see him, being the crybaby I am, I would definitely cry and I didn't want him to see me crying because he had enough of that.

"Lily, you're cleaning the prince's bathroom," Mrs. Bennet told me.

"I can't," I refused then quickly pulled Brenda to my side, "but Brenda wants to."

Brenda glared at me but I gave her my puppy eyes and she quickly sighed.

"No, I'm sorry, but the prince specifically asked for you to do it."

Dread weighed over me and it felt like the world was against me. I gritted my teeth to prepare the hurt of the painful lashes the prince would probably throw at me.

"Good luck, Lily." Brenda winked at me and proceeded to clean whatever bathroom she was assigned to.

As slowly as I could, I went upstairs to go to the Prince's room and knocked as softly as I could. Maybe, if I knock softly he wouldn't hear it, and thus not open the door which would free me from the job.

But the door opened even before I could knock again. I quickly looked down before I could see him. Tears had already formed in my eyes and my heart constricted in pain. He blames me and he hates me. I hate this.

"Come in." It was monotonous and there was no slight anger or irritation. He simply sounded tired and exhausted.

I didn't reply and immediately went to the bathroom and locked it.

"No, no, you're not doing this again. Open the door, Lily!" He commanded and knocked on the door hard.

"I'm cleaning so please don't bother me," I said as strongly as I could.

"I'm the prince so you should obey my commands."

I sighed, sucking my tears in. Prepare, my heart, prepare for the pain that's about to come.

I slowly unlocked the door and opened it, finally facing him. He looked exhausted, heavy bags were under his red eyes and his hair was a mess.

He quickly pulled me out of the bathroom and slammed me into the wall. "Why are you ignoring me?"

"I-I don't know. Where's Princess Jes--"

"She's out to get more of her medication and she won't be here for a long time. Now, don't change the subject. These past few days had been hell for me so you better answer my question. Why are you ignoring me?" He sneered at me.

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