° Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


Danger. My friends in danger. . . I gritted my teeth, containing myself from punching the wall till my fists bleed. Had stupidity made my brain into mush or what?

Deep breaths...deep breaths... save them...


But how?

I had no lead, not a single idea where they took my friends, no information was left for me to decipher. All I could do was wait so that's what I did yet each passing second almost drove me insane.

It will come. The blackmail, the trade-off for the key--the key of destruction.

The imminent silence in the room made my ears ring, the empty room was so overwhelmingly haunting that the walls and windows around me seemed to loom overhead. I shivered, anxiously clutching on the table before me where my laptop and phone lay. This feeling of paranoia was too familiar which I thought I may never have to experience again yet it always caught up to me no matter how fast I ran away.


The academy burst into flames, it was night yet it appeared bright as day and hot...too hot. I remembered successfully pushing Lily far enough before another explosion swallowed us. My eyes were teary and I was choking hard yet I felt being pulled farther, farther into the academy.


I managed to push off the person pulling me and kneel down. Deryckk stood before me, his eyes as black as charcoal, his clothes dirty as muck.

"Deryck, it's dangerous here, let's go far," I said weakly.

"You think I'm going to save you?" He asked, "We're going in there together. I'm going to kill you."


"My parents, they're dead because of you! You told them, you told them where they are hiding. You're the only person I told before and...now they're dead." He closed his eyes, squinting his tears away. He quickly swiped them away before grabbing my arm. "I'm going to end this, bullying you over the years wasn't enough. Never be enough. I'm gonna kill you and end this."

With all my mustered strength, I pushed him off and managed to stand on my feet. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about!"

"Shut up! I know it's you!" He jumped on me and gave me a blow.

Pushing, pulling, yanking and taking cover. I tried to protect myself from being beaten up by Deryck. He was mad, shouting, yelling at the top his lungs and coughing afterwards because of the smoke. Crying, his punches finally started to weaken while I choked again and again.

We needed to get away fast or we'd both die.

"I th-thought-" Deryck coughed. "we were brothers. Then I became mean to you, I know but for you to do this..." He gave another series of cough.

I felt the ground shake. We needed to get out. Get away. Fast.

"That's right," I lied. "I tattled on you and I never once thought of you as a brother. You think after you bullied me, I'm just going to sit there and not get back at you? Ha! I told Mr. Weilder where they're hiding!"

The look in his eyes were painful to see as it morphed into absolute hatred. He lunged at me while I rolled to the side just in time. I quickly sat up while he coughed some more, then gave him a blow at the head, just hard enough for him to pass out.

Another explosion came about as I carried my unconscious friend hurriedly to the clearing. Behind me, everything burst into flames, had it if we left a second later, we would have been barbecued to death. Coughing, I dropped Deryck on the ground as I fell beside him, letting darkness consume me as well.


(Just a little note here for those who forgot Deryck and Levi's relationship. They were best friends before but because of Mr. Weilder -the principal who manipulated the f*ckery out of them, it strained their relationship. Deryck became one of Levi's bully. If u read back to chapter 16 and 20, there are some flashbacks of them.)

My phone buzzed, snapping me out of my reverie. A video was sent by an unanimous source. Shakily, I pressed play.

"Remember me Levi?" It was him, my undead enemy. "Did you think I was dead? After you detonated the bombs at my academy? I will never die as long as you're alive!" I noticed half of his face was burnt and terrifying to look at. "Yes, you did this to my face! You did! Even if you were my favorite student, I'll never forgive you for this. You see Levi, I would have let it go if only you hadn't locked me out of the system. I need the key, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Otherwise your friends here will die and since nobody knows I'm alive, every evidence will point out to you. But that's not the case, you will come because you care about your little friends so much," he mocked then lit a cigarette, giving it a whiff. "Finally, all those years of watching paid off. It was all part of the plan; I told Theresa to send Ophelia over to you knowing she's your weakness then had it revealed to you that I was alive. Then you did what any weakling would have done-ask your powerful friends to help get Ophelia back. Everything went according to plan. EVERYTHING!" He laughed like the devil. "And because you're weak, your friends will die." He laughed some more while I sat there appalled. "Come by noon, alone. Deryck will fetch you at your doorstep. Don't even try anything stupid because you know what will happen if you do." The camera panned to my friends all tied up and gagged on the floor unconscious. "And right, here's a little present for you."

Lily appeared in the dark room, comfortably sat on a sofa as she smirked at the camera. "You're such a fool-fooling you the first time wasn't enough, huh? You should learn your lesson by now, Levi."

The video went black and my phone combusted as I dropped it on the tiled floor. Lily...no. I couldn't breathe, I tried catching my breath but it ran faster. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. Oh fuck-is this what they call a panic attack? No, this is a heart attack.

Help. I'm going to die. Fuck.

I clutched on the table as I fell on my knees, struggling for air. Help. Shit, I'm gonna die before I can save my friends. Please, don't do this to me. Don't, please. I fell on the ground, subconsciously feeling the cold floor. Tears stung my eyes as I tried to call out for Rick.

"Prince! Prince Levi!"

I could vaguely see who it was but I knew it was Rick. I was held up and he was shouting loudly but the sound of my heart pounding was louder in my ears.

"Prince! Breathe! Levi! Breathe! Inhale! Exhale! IT's GONNA BE OKAY! FOLLOW MY BREATHING!"

I struggled to follow his breaths and gradually my vision started to clear and the pounding of my heart steadied. Rick gently pulled me against the sofa and I was finally able to sigh.

"Th-thanks Rick." I put up my knee, rested my right arm on it as I covered my eyes with my hand.

"Anything for the Crown Prince." He must have stood up because I felt his shadow loom over me. Then shuffling, I knew that he turned around as I sniffed, tasting the salty tears in my mouth. At that vulnerable moment, as hard as I tried, I couldn't stop crying.



Yes! I know it's short but don't worry, I will post the next one in maybe 3-4 days. Also I think you need time digesting this information, hehe. I'm also halfway done with the next one! Fyi, this story will end on chapter 42, so get ready for a roller coaster fun emotions. If you've read most of my stories, you'll get what I mean. (It gets pretty intense towards the end) ;) DO comment and vote! I wanna know what you guys think! I missed you all very much! And yes, I'll be more active on wattpad now than before! :D mwuah mwuah! :* Love ya guys, thanks for keeping with me. I'm so grateful. <3

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