° Chapter 39

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Chapter 39


It was finally the dead of the night. There were no more footsteps nor scurrying of white robes. The doctor said I shouldn't move around or I might reopen my wound but screw that.

I need to see him.

I regretted waking up alive. Somehow it would seem better if I had just died. Then everything would go away. Because this pain...this pain and the guilt---maddening.

Clarissa was at my side when I was brought back to life. She updated me about everyone in an interrogating voice. Her statements were informative but intimidating as well.

"Levi is in a coma. The doctor said he might never wake up. So Lily, was it you? Who had us kidnapped and got Levi into this mess? Both Jarvis and him are bandaged from head to toe!"

I didn't speak a word as I bit my lower lip as hard as I could. I couldn't even look at Clarissa. She left with a hopeless sigh, her voice quivering with controlled rage like she was betrayed. And she was.

I knew nothing I'd say would benefit anyone and I didn't want to defend myself. After all, it was all my fault. I don't even deserve a tinge of their pity.

Yet shameful I was, I still wanted to see him.

Miraculously, there were only a few deadbeat nurses and Gavier was fast asleep on the couch outside the room. Clarissa may be mad but she still told me the room number and how to get there even if I didn't ask. She probably knew how much I wanted to see him.

I sat on a chair at Levi's bedside then groaned in pain as I touched my stomach. Blood. Yet the sight of it didn't faze me. Levi all bandaged up did the trick. Countless tubes were attached to his body and it was obvious that all of it was a desperate attempt to keep him alive.

I did this.

"Hey Levi, I—I don't know what to say. Yes there's blood on my hand, I probably reopened my wound but it's not painful I promise." I paused and cleared my throat. It was getting harder to speak. "You. It's more painful to see you like this. I know it's shameful for me to say this but yes it's hurting me that you're still not awake and that you might never. So wake up—please."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I reached out for his bandaged hand. "I remember everything now. How my uncle brainwashed me. How I hurt you so badly and now I did it again. Everything that I do ends with you getting hurt and almost dying. You're such a romantic. Why would you throw your life away just to save me?" My voice cracked. "But thank you. Thank you for saving me once again so I could tell you how grateful I am. Thank you for being the hero once again so I could tell you how much I admire your courage. Thank you for pretending not knowing who I am since the first time we met even though deep down I know you knew. Because you're Levi. You know most things people don't." I smiled through my tears. "You're a smartass but a jackass."

"I have so many questions and they require you answering them so I will wait as long as you want me to. I will come here every day to see you and I will ask you." I tightened my hold on his hand. "I will be patient and wait for your answers."

I sighed, "I think apologizing to each other has become a habit of ours, don't you think? But you shall hear mine when you're conscious because I will need a kiss in return. For now thanking you is all I can do because saying sorry...saying sorry is too much," I sobbed, "I'm so afraid. So afraid that if I say sorry, goodbye is next. So don't, please don't make me say it now."

I wiped my tears and leaned forward, resting my head beside his arm. Out of all the hurt, guilt and pain, another feeling blossomed and rose above all.

I closed my eyes and whispered, "And Levi? I miss you. I miss you so much. Sucks without you..."

And so I waited.                                                                                                                                                                      It took me 6 months.


A/N  JK. actually in my opinion this can be the ending already, don't you think? :D nvm, i still have to show their reunion, i think i owe you guys that. or maybe they don't reunite at all, hmmm xD....pls. show me some love and vote and say your thoughts. thank you <3 we're almost done with this book. 1 more chapter ;)

also here's me in insta, trying it out:


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