Chapter 17

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Since I love you, I'll give you guys a little treat. ;)

This is dedicated to all of you especially those readers who has been with me since I began writing Princess on the Loose. Luv ya! :D


Chapter 17

Lily's POV

I was searching the net for news about my family when the doorbell rang. Frustrated because I couldn't find any information about them, I snapped the laptop shut and proceeded to go open the door. It must be Levi but it was still early.

I hesitantly opened the door, still a little unprepared and nervous to see him but to my surprise it wasn't him. 

The guy before me raised an eyebrow as he scanned my body up and down. His piercing blue eyes intimidated me and with his broadness and height, I couldn't help but shiver a little. He was definitely someone you wouldn't dare mess with so I stepped back from his debonair and charismatic demeanor. How could someone look so powerful, handsome and young at the same time?

                                                                (Wade Poezin as Prince Gavier

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                                                                (Wade Poezin as Prince Gavier. xD)

"You must be the one Levi was talking about," he said, even his voice sounded like an authority. I tried not to whimper under his gaze.

"I told you Clarianne! Your beloved is here!" It was Ria and she seemed to be at the painting room.

"Fuck!" I heard Clarianne curse and I flinched a little.

"If I may," the guy who must be Clarianne's fiance gestured for me to step aside so that he could come in.

I complied immediately and stepped aside. "Of course."

"Gavier, who said you're welcome to come here?" Clarianne appeared, holding her cellphone as she crossed her arms.

"I came to get you back, Clarianne. You've been gone for ages, don't you think it's time to stop this little feud?" He sounded irritated but I could see his eyes softening at the sight of her.

Clarianne laughed sarcastically. "You think you can get me back that easily? I made a big preparation for our anniversary and you didn't even come."

Okay, I think it's time for me to go now.

"I said I'm sorry okay. I fucking forgot. It's not that big of a deal." He rolled his eyes.

"See, you're such an a-hole Gavier, which is why I'm going to sing this." Clarianne flipped her phone open. "Nessa helped me and I practiced a lot so don't you dare laugh."

A familiar kind of music played from her phone and I distinctly remembered my sister saying that the artist was Selena Gomez.

"I'm so sick of that same old love, that shit, it tears me up," Clarianne sung as she jabbed a finger on her fiance's chest.

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