Chapter 22

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Emily Rudd as Lily is so pretty. Look down there. ;)


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Chapter 22

Lily's POV

 I couldn't decide if last night had been a dream or not. It was magical, lovely, and full of sensations. But just when I was about to confess that I still liked him, he pulled me out of the forest and literally left me standing in the middle of the crowd of royalties saying the words: goodbye, mon amour.

 I didn't know whether to cry or just forget about everything. I woke up this morning, feeling numb and worried. I wonder why he was giving up on us. I wonder why he had to go. I wonder if he was back with Jessica and probably kissing her the same way he kissed me--

"Lily, what the heck are you doing in the laundry room?!" Ria exasperated as she pulled me out of there. "You're a guest here, and not a maid. I have lots of servants to do that."

I became teary-eyed. "I just have. . .I need to do something otherwise I'd--"

She pulled me in her arms and I began to cry. What does he mean? Why did he say goodbye? Is he not coming back anymore?

"Shhhh. . .Damn it. I'm not good at this but you have to know Levi, he's a complicated man. He's a smartass but he's still got problems like us. You just have to have faith in him." She patted my hair and held me until I toned down.

"I-I need a favor," I said shyly.

"Sure, whatever you want," Ria said.

"Can you bring me to Germany?"

"Of course."


"Are you sure this is what you want?" Clarianne asked as she flopped on my bed. She had been gone for two days but came back to see if I was doing fine.

"Yeah, I need to know what's happening with my family. I 've been gone for almost a year and I can't keep bothering Ria and you. Both of you are also busy with your lives and----"

"I don't want to hear the rest of it," she cut me off, "You're a good friend to us Lily, of course, you're not a bother."

"Then," I carefully continued, "will you help me solve the mystery in my home?"

Her eyes immediately sparkled. "If you say it like that, how can I refuse?"

We both chuckled as I put the last clothing in my bag. I was glad I asked her to help me since I had no idea what kind of threat I'm facing. How big the danger I'm about to encounter. I need all the help I need and she'll be a great help and already a great friend.

"So you're coming with me today?" I asked, just to be sure. I didn't really want to sleep in the big hotel by myself.

"Of course, but we might have to disguise ourselves. It's your home after all."

"You're right," I said as I nodded my head.

She jumped up and stretched her arms in the air. "Gosh! I'm getting so excited for this. It's been awhile since I've done something thrilling. I'm so glad I met you." She hugged me tightly and left to pack her stuff.

I smiled and looked out the window, longing a little for someone to come. I wasn't sure when I 'll be back and I'm afraid the next time we meet, he won't meet me as Lily but rather as Ophelia, eldest princess of Germany.


I had just taken a shower and was combing my hair when I heard shouting downstairs. I quickly put my comb down and ran to see what it was.

"I told you I don't like him so I don't want you hanging out with that asshole," Quentin said angrily as he glared at Ria.

"Quentin, this is my life. I don't need you to tell me what to do," Ria replied just as angrily and crossed her arms.

"So you're going back to him huh?" He sneered as he clenched his fists.

"I don't know." She stepped back as Quentin stepped closer. 

"You don't know?" He said sarcastically.

"I don't," she repeated and swallowed as he took another step closer.

"Ria, you can be so frustrating sometimes. How can you not know?" He held her shoulders and looked straight in her eyes.

"Know what?"

"Know that I fucking love you and I hate it when I see you get hurt." He closed his eyes as she gasped then a moment afterwards he kissed her forehead. He left quickly, leaving a shocked Ria behind.

"Holy cow, shit just got real." Clarianne appeared and ran next to Ria. I ran downstairs to do the same.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know," Ria said as she frowned. 

"I think we'd have to leave you behind Ria. You clearly need to resolve things with your brother," Clarianne said and I agreed worriedly.

Ria sighed and nodded. I could feel and see her frustration. She was obviously confused.

"Will you be okay?" I asked her.

"I will. Be careful, you guys," she replied.

We hugged her quickly before getting out of the door. Clarianne smirked as she held my hand, facing the private jet before us.

"Are you ready?" She asked, her eyes glinting dangerously.

I nodded firmly in reply with a nervous smile.

Germany, here we come.

Sorry, that was kind of short. Promize the next one will be longer, and I'll update as soon as the goal is achieved.

Same goal as always: 80 votes and 70 comments.

Thank you babes, love ya. :*

(Whoever this guy is, he'll be Quentin

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(Whoever this guy is, he'll be Quentin. <3)

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